Thanks, David. I had set up Echolink with no problem 2 years ago at a prior QTH. Interestingly, the latest version is supposed to work on most nodes even without port forwarding, but here it is not working on any node even with port forwarding configured. I was not able to establish a static IP address, called my ISP as suggested in the instructions to get the DNS servers but they were unable or unwilling to provide them.
73, Bill NZ5N --- David J [email protected] wrote:
Thanks for your efforts in this. You are the 4th person I have encountered that has had EXTREME difficulty in configuring for echolink. I am still one of them myself. I finally gave up until I figure I have to use it for something important. Let me look into this somemore and see if I can at least get my system working with it and I'll let you know what I did to get it working. In the meantime, I have forwarded this email to our AMSAT-FLORIDA list in hopes that someone will answer as Scott did who might have another angle on this. I really hope we can find a solution so we can have you as a guest on the net.
I'll be in touch,
Dave, AA4KN
-----Original Message----- From: Bill Dzurilla [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 11:31 AM To: Scott Schmautz Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: EchoLink
David, thanks for the invitation to speak to the net. Scott, thanks for helping me try to configure Echolink. Unfortunately, I can't get Echolink to work. I've called my provider and followed the instructions at portforwarding.com and echolink.org to the best of my ability, but no success.
73, Bill NZ5N --- Scott Schmautz [email protected] wrote:
This may help also?
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