Hello, I have a few ham related items for sale just in time for field day.
1) 2m Ringo Ranger antenna. Was originally a Ringo Ranger II, but it looks like the decoupling ring is missing. Will work fine without it as that was the original Ringo design, but might benefit from a choke at the feed point. $25
2) Mosley ?Jr. tribander. 3 element 10/15/20m beam. Very light weight, I used a tv rotor to turn it. would be good for a FD beam, or for the guys with new HF privileges. Needs a few ubolts replaced that were borrowed for other projects. Might need the traps cleaned out too. $75
3) FT-530 Yaesu true dual bander. Great HT for the FM satellites, no menus, simple to use. Includes a battery voltage function, sub-band tuning for satellite, etc. This rig still demands a high price on the auction sites. I have also the drop in charger, and a good 12v 1000 mah battery (Kendoo brand, 1-2 yr old?). Pretty sure I have the manual too. $150
4) Kenwood TM-401A 70cm FM mobile, ~12 watts out (thats normal) and has a single freq tone board. Little bit rough looking. Would be good for monitoring a local repeater in your shop or office. Designed with no internal speaker, so you'll need any old speaker with a 1/8" plug. I've used this several times for doing the FL AMSAT net. $75
All items are OBO, and I might consider trades on a small switcher power supply, 20 amp or more, a 70 cm yagi, or a 220 FM rig?
73, Drew KO4MA