I still have the following available, with new, lower prices. I can demo all the gear, and will travel reasonable distances to deliver even.
73, Drew KO4MA
On 9/12/2010 12:33 PM, Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
I have some radios that need to find new homes. All would make excellent starter rigs or backup rigs, or for those who dislike menu driven radios. None of the HF rigs or the handheld uses any form of a menu.
Icom IC-735 HF transceiver 160-10m. This is a very well rated radio, and even has a transverter port built in. It is good cosmetically for it's age, with a few scratches and tape/label residue in spots. It has the manual, box, and little plastic door, although it is scratched from label removal. I do not have a mike, but did make contacts using my IC-910 mike, and it works fine. Notch and IF shift works very well on this radio. $300
Kenwood TS-140 HF transceiver 160-10m. This radio is in a little better shape than the 735, but doesn't have quite all the bells and whistles. However, personally I like the bigger S meter and fluorescent frequency display better. It is also slightly larger and has in my opinion easier to use controls. Comes with a MC80 desk mike (unfortunately with some label residue I'm still trying to remove) for $300. Manual and box also included.
Alinco DJ-120 2m handheld. This is a really simple 2m HT, with a freshly rebuilt battery pack, DTMF, and subtone encode via dip switches on the back panel. This would make a good beginner's radio, a second radio to work the FM satellites full duplex, or one to toss in a Ziploc bag for the canoe or bicycle when you don't want to risk your $400 VX-8 or IC-92. No charger included as I've been charging off the 13.8v input on the battery pack. $40
Pyramid 35A linear supply, metered but they are pretty small. It has a replacement knob on the voltage adjustment. $60
Ameritron AL-84 4-tube amp. Currently wired for 110v, it measured ~400w out on SSB into my 80 meter dipole. It has a replacement cover that I think was part of a plan for better airflow, along with a muffin fan bolted to the top that I tossed. Manual included. $275