Hello all, Its getting very close to Hamcation time again. This is just a quick update to AMSAT's plans for the occasion. We are planning to operate our booth for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We will be at booths 83 and 84. The same as last year. I've made arrangements for a satellite station to be set up as we have the last 2 years with our mobile antenna array parked just outside in back of the booth area. In the past, I've had problems demoing the station while also needing to be available to answer questions and help at the booth. This year John and Doug Papays have offered to work passes and discuss station operation for us.
In the past, I haven't seen a need in trying to schedule specific times for individuals to be available at the booth to help out. I'm not planning to do it this year either, but the fact is that two people I know of that have been extremely supportive in the past may be limited in the time they will be available to help this year.
Therefore, I'm putting out a general request for anyone that could help out in the booth any or all of the three days, please contact me as soon as possible so I can get a feel for how we'll be covered this year. If you are member of AMSAT and have a working knowledge of the amateur satellites and/or amateur communications with the ISS, I'd be glad to have you help us out.
Florida AMSAT Net: I also want to take this opportunity to mention that we've taken a hit on our coverage of the Florida AMSAT Net lately. We are still working this issue and how to have it all resolved soon. We do welcome everyone to check in either through the KI4SWB repeater in Melbourne, N4HHA repeater in Orlando at 443.1 MHz, +5MHz transmit, pl 103.5, or via Echolink through N4HHA-R node # 44310. Again, the net meets at 19:30 ET every Thursday night and all are welcome.
Dave, AA4KN
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