Re: [amsat-bb] Orlando Hamcation!

Orlando Hamcation, one of the largest hamfests in the nation, will be commencing tomorrow at 12:00pm at the Central Florida Fairgrounds here in Orlando, Florida.
I just checked* and the only hamfest showing up on APRS is one in Shizuoaka Japan. And I also checked for hamfest* and there is only one of those also, and it is showing in Orillia, ONT.
Please excuse my repetition if I mention many ways to enhance the local HAMFEST experience...
One of the best ways to reach out to fellow amateurs is to place an APRS object on your local map named HFEST-14x for example for a hamfest on the 14th of the month ("x" allows for 26 different hamfests on the same day...). Then it shows on the front panel of all APRS mobiles within 100 miles and their GPS maps for them to easily find it. It is also visible then globally as well to all APRS stations on the internet.
It is also best to include the talk in frequency in the object too, so everything the mobile needs is available to him right there on his radio. He just pushes the TUNE button when he sees that object and his D710 radio for example will instantly tune to that talk in frequency. Done.
Net control at the HAMFEST also has an APRS display in front of his operating position, and then he can see where everyone is. Those without APRS who want to tell the net control where they are can just use their nearby mile mark, and then they also can easily show up on APRS.
For AMSAT operations, If someone is running DIGI_NED or APRSdata in the area, then also on the front panel of all APRS mobile radios and HT's will show any AMSATs in view and their azimuth and range as well as their operating frequency. If there are none in view, then a schedule of all passes for the next 80 minutes is uplinked every 10 minutes to their radio's DX list for review at any time.
For details on getting this local info to the mobile user, see
Sorry for the intrusion. I will go put this out onto the APRS bulletin board and find out why no one down there is putting out this infromatin object.
Oh, you can also put an AMSAT-x object on the map so people can find your table directly. You can also announce there your own separate AMSAT talk in too, and all mobiles will see it.
participants (1)
Bob Bruninga