Florida AMSAT net tonight, with AMSAT-NA President Rick Hambly, W2GPS

Tonight's Florida AMSAT net will feature the President of AMSAT-NA, Rick Hambly, W2GPS, discussing current AMSAT projects and developments including a question and answer session. All interested parties are encouraged to participate regardless of location.
The net meets at 7:30PM Eastern on the NI4CE and N4HHA repeater systems covering most of central Florida. RF frequencies may be found here: http://www.ni4ce.org/ni4ce.htm and here: http://n4hha.org/ . Echolink users may check in via KG4YZY-R, node number 4429. Please configure all echolink systems to suppress local courtesy tones and IDs over the link. Interested parties may also listen to a live streaming link at mms://repeater.aprsfl.net:2222/ .
I hope to hear many familiar calls tonight on the net!
73, Drew KO4MA
participants (1)
Andrew Glasbrenner