FW: Reply to" Couple of ideas for the hamfest"

-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Andrew Glasbrenner Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 12:21 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-florida] Couple of ideas for the hamfest
Just a few ideas for this weekend.
Let's agree on a simplex frequency for our use? I like UHF and I think we all have that band, how about 446.200?
.....FYI.. For anyone needing to contact me, I plan to be monitoring 443.100 on Friday until I reach the hamcation at which time I will switch to the 446.2 freq. .....
The forum is way out at the lakeside pavillion. We have 2 passes right at the end of the forum, so I'd like to have a demo out there for the attendees. I have a forum and demo schedule flyer created now, is there anyone who can run 50 or so copies off cheaply (like free at work) ? We also
need a few individuals who can hold down the booth during the forum. I normally do this myself, but I need to be out there this year.
..... I'll ensure the booth is covered during the Forum. .....
Bob McGwier N4HY will be down Saturday, and will probably have a working version of the SDR transponder with him. We need to be able to show this off
at the booth so we need some room and a rig, and maybe a PC to decode the beacon?
..... I plan to bring my 2nd laptop anyway, so it will be available if necessary.....
I will have my laptop and LCD monitor available for satpc32 demos. Does anyone remember if they had wifi there last year? I'll also have at the minimum my 817 and F6a so we can do SSB full duplex demos on both the sats and the SDX demos.
I will have a pricelist, a check off sheet for items sold, and a cashbox ready this year. Please mark off any items on the list. Remember to ask folks to join and support AMSAT. You never know until you ask and we need the members!
I have spoken to a lot of people...this is gonna be a big hamfest for us this year. So far the following AMSAT folks have said they will be there.
Drew KO4MA VP Ops Lee KU4OS Exec VP Bob N4HY VP Engineering, BOD member Lou W5DID BOD member, ARISS lab manager Barry WD4ASW BOD member Ed WA4SWJ journal editor Dave AA4KN Area Coordinator Robert KI4HXT Area Coordinator James W8ISS WSR editor Jeff KB2M Area Coordinator Larry K4OZS coordinator of recent ARISS contact at Romeo Elementary Doug W4DAS recent convert to AMSAT I think! Keith N4ZQ longtime AMSATer N4HHA Mike host of the Orlando part of the Florida AMSAT net maybe a group from the UF cubesat project and I'm sure many others I've missed....and some that will probably be there
but I just haven't heard from like Dick WD4FAB and Stan WA4NFY
I'm excited as you can tell....let's make this one a big success for AMSAT
73, Drew KO4MA
I agree. Looks like we're in for a great weekend! See you Friday.
Dave, AA4KN
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David J