I regret to say that the N4HHA repeater is still not repaired. I've tried to raise it several times today, but with no luck. I have tried to contact Mike by email and cellphone, but get no answer from email or phone. I tried to leave him a message, but his phone voice mail won't accept anymore. The only thing I can figure is that he is on vacation. I'm trying to find one of his buddies on the air so I can find out what the repeater status is. Needless to say, I can't hold the net this evening, so if someone can kindly fill in again, I would appreciate it. I would offer to try to hold it by echolink, but I haven't been able to configure my computer for it yet. I hope things can get back to normal soon. I'll stay in touch. Thanks for everyone's understanding.
Dave, AA4KN
participants (1)
David J