FW: Re: Seeking Amsat Speaker's for the Club -KA2KDP

Can anyone one help Ron and Don out by speaking to their group about AMSAT and amateur satellites. I would do it, but I'm all the way over here in Orlando and currently have my hands full with other ham activites.
Thanks, Dave, AA4KN
-----Original Message----- From: Ron Wright [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 9:25 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Re: [amsat-florida] Seeking Amsat Speaker's for the Club -KA2KDP
No one has contacted me about a AMSAT presentation or talk at our club meeting. Don't know about Don, KA2KDP.
Don has followed sat comm and AMSAT for years. I remember when the first Ham sat went up, but at the time I had no 2 meter equipment. Long time ago before repeaters.
We would like someone who has recently operated with all the new things AMSAT has been doing.
Please have someone contact me or Don. I would assume it would be someone local, in Pasco Co just north of Tampa.
Let us know.
73, ron, n9ee/r
From: "David H. Jordan" [email protected] Date: 2008/04/19 Sat PM 07:30:04 CDT To: Don [email protected], [email protected],
AMSAT-FLORIDA [email protected]
Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-florida] Seeking Amsat Speaker's for the Club -KA2KDP
Don, Were you ever contacted by any one concerning your request?
Dave, AA4KN Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
-----Original Message----- From: Don [email protected]
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 17:32:34 To:[email protected] Cc:[email protected], [email protected] Subject: [amsat-florida] Seeking Amsat Speaker's for the Club -KA2KDP
Subject: Non-Technical Question
Message: Hello. I am Don Nystrom , KA2KDP. I live in New Port Richey, FL. 34673
about 10 miles North of Tarpon Springs area, and about 10 miles South of the Spring Hill area. Our town is within the Tampa metropolis area. I am the Vice President of our radio club, the SunCoast Amateur Radio Club. We are seeking amateur satellite speakers for our club meetings. Could you put me in contact with some AMSAT members in our area, so that I might talk to them about introducing us to the world of amateur satellites?
Thanks very much.
Don Nystrom, KA2KDP
E-Mail: [email protected]
(end of message)
73 Don
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Ron Wright, N9EE 727-376-6575 MICRO COMPUTER CONCEPTS Owner 146.64 repeater Tampa Bay, FL No tone, all are welcome.
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David J