Hello, I note that the frequency information is not complete in Ham Radio Deluxe Satellite Tracking. Some information is there, I have not yet determined logic to what si there and what isn't. I have reviewed the documentation and cannot find explanations, so I have the following questions:
1. Is there a way to "automatically" set the definitions, for example, along with the Keplerian data? (which does work fine).
2. If not, is there a good strategy on updating the information manually? It seems a lot of work to do so, so I am hoping for a positive answer to #1 above, but short of that, others must have done this too so they may have advice.
Thank you, Andy, K2OP ------------------------------------- Andrew J. Buckler, Principal BBMSC 225 Main Street, Suite 15 | Wenham, MA 01984 USA Office: +1-978-468-0508 Fax: +1-978-468-0527 [email protected]mailto:[email protected] | www.bbmsc.comhttp://www.bbmsc.com/
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