The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor- mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at
In this edition:
* AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Nominations Solicited * 7330.6 km Contact Made Via FO-29 * GS3PYE/p Satellite Operation Planned From Inner Herbrides Islands * STEREO Space Weather Beacons Now Using AMSAT-DL Turbo Code * AMSAT Awards * Applications for Teachers Institute, ETP Grants Due in May * Ken Pulfer, VE3PU, SK * Cubesat Launches This Week * April 17 Antares Launch Includes Three PhoneSat Cubesats * PhoneSat Tracking Help Requested * STRaND-1 signal reports requested * Merritt Island High School Mission Selected for NASA Cubesat Launch Initiative * ARISS News * Schedule of AMSAT Activities at Dayton Hamvention * Satellite Shorts From All Over
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-104.01 ANS-104 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 104.01
DATE April 14, 2013 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-104.01
***************************************************************** * Volunteers are needed to help at the AMSAT booth at Dayton. * * Steve Belter N9IP, is looking for volunteers to help man the * * AMSAT booth during the 2013 Hamvention. If you are willing * * to help at the Hamvention, please send an e-mail by April 30 * * to Steve Belter, [email protected]. * * * * Monitor the 'AMSAT at Dayton Hamvention 2013' link on the new * * AMSAT Web Site for the latest AMSAT at * * Dayton news and developments * *****************************************************************
AMSAT-NA Board of Directors Nominations Solicited
It is time to submit nominations for the upcoming open seats on the AMSAT-NA Board of Directors. A nomination requires either one Member Society or five current individual members in good standing to nominate an AMSAT member for the position. Four director's terms expire this year: Barry Baines, WD4ASW, Alan Biddle, WA4SCA, Drew Glasbrenner, K04MA, and Tony Monteiro, AA2TX.
In addition to traditional submission of written nominations, which remains unchanged and is the preferred method, nominations may be made by electronic means. These include e-mail, FAX, or electronic image of a petition. Electronic petitions should be sent to [email protected] or faxed to 301-608-3410. Written nominations, consisting of names, calls and individual signatures should be mailed to: AMSAT-NA, 850 Sligo Ave #600, Silver Spring, MD, 20910. No matter what means is used, petitions MUST arrive no later than June 15th at the AMSAT-NA office. If the nomination is a traditional written nomination, no other action is required. If it is other than this, i.e. electronic, a verifying traditional written petition MUST be received at the AMSAT-NA office at the above address within 7 days following the close of nominations on June 15th. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS WITHOUT THIS SECOND, WRITTEN VERIFICATION ARE NOT VALID UNDER THE EXISTING AMSAT-NA BYLAWS.
[ANS thanks Alan, WA4SCA, AMSAT Corporate Secretary for the above information]
7330.6 km Contact Made Via FO-29
On Monday 8 April 2013 at 1338z, David, EA4SG (grid IN80cp, Spain) and Hector, CO6CBF (grid EL92sd, Cuba) completed a SSB contact via FO-29, successfully. On the AMSAT-BB Hector reported "We had just a 88 seconds window. I was operating portable from on top of a tall building as before. Satellites are always fascinating! Thanks very much to David for this great contact and new grid!"
Based on, the distance between the two stations is 7330.6 km.
[ANS thanks Hector, CO6CBF for the above information]
GS3PYE/p Satellite Operation Planned From Inner Herbrides Islands
Members of the Camb-Hams will once again activate the Isle of Mull (IOSA NH15, SCOTIA CN10, WLOTA 2485), Inner Hebrides, as GS3PYE/p between May 10-16. The Camb-Hams have been activating the Scottish Isles each year since 2008.
Look for thirteen operators to be active on all bands and many modes from 160-2 meters as well as 472 kHz. The HF bands will be covered by five simultaneous stations, while 6m, 4m and 2m stations will have a great take-off towards the UK and Europ from the island's south-east coast in IO76 square.
They will have an antenna elevation system for 2m EME activity and will also be on many of the VHF/UHF satellite passes. WSPR beacons will be operating on most of the inactive bands to help find the best propagation. Contest operations will take place in 70 MHz CW on May 12th and 432 MHz UKAC on May 14th. The group will be active on the major social networks before, during and after the trip.
You can check on progress or interact with the operators via their blog at <> or through Twitter <>, Facebook <> and YouTube <>. Previous trips have generated some great audio and video recordings of the GS3PYE/P signal from around the world. Check their previous blogs and their YouTube channel and see if you can post a better recording.
Please E-mail [email protected] to arrange skeds on the more challenging bands and modes. VHF and EME skeds will also be made via ON4KST and N0UK's EME Chat. All links are available via <>.
[ANS thanks Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1107 for the above information]
STEREO Space Weather Beacons Now Using AMSAT-DL Turbo Code
On 2nd April 2013, the two NASA STEREO space-based observatories switched to Turbo Codes to transmit their real-time space weather data permanently. A network of four ground stations, located at the IUZ in Bochum/Germany, CNES in Toulouse/France, NICT in Koganei/Japan and amateur radio station DL0SHF in Kiel-Ronne/Germany receives this data, and uses turbo-decoding software written by AMSAT-DL.
The Bochum station is run by AMSAT-DL e.V. and IUZ Bochum Observatory, with the support of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and DLR.
Said Doug Biesecker, NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center:
"Thanks to the wonderful work of our colleagues running the station in Bochum and the support of DLR, we can now be sure of receiving real-time data from the NASA/STEREO satellite throughout the life of the mission. The STEREO data has proven to provide significant benefits to space weather forecasting and is used by NOAA on a daily basis to ensure the best possible forecasts. Space weather increasingly threatens the technological infrastructure of our modern world, with demonstrated impacts on global positioning, power grids, and high frequency communication systems."
The switch to Turbo Codes has improved reception capabilities of the ground stations by about 2 dB, which is a very welcome improvement giving the increasing distances - 269 and 286 million kilometers respectively - that need to be covered.
The original AMSAT-DL posting can be accessed at:
[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL for the above information]
AMSAT Awards
Awards have been very slow this year. Might be due to the lack of satellites.
+ The following have entered into the Satellite Communicators Club for making their first satellite QSO.
Christopher Friesen, VE4CWF Michael Haman, KB7SNQ Ron Rappel, W1RPR
+ The following have earned the AMSAT Communications Achievement Award.
Glyn Dodwell, GM4CFS, #554
+ The following have earned the South Africa Satellite Communications Achievement Award.
Glyn Dodwell, GM4CFS, #US184
+ The following have earned the AMSAT Century Club Award. This award is not that easy to earn.
Wyatt Dirks, AC0RA, #42
Until the website is fully restored, you can see all the awards at my website. http://
[ANS thanks Bruce Paige, KK5DO for the above information]
Applications for Teachers Institute, ETP Grants Due by May 15
Attention, teachers who are thinking about using Amateur Radio and wireless technology in their classrooms to help facilitate hands-on learning opportunities. The ARRL’s Education & Technology Program (ETP) offers two programs that can help make this happen, but the application deadlines are fast approaching: The deadline for the 2013 Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology (TI) is May 15, while the deadline for equipment and resource grants was May 1.
Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology
Seats are still available for the two introductory Teachers Institute (TI-1) sessions offered this summer, one at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut (July 8-11) and one in Rocklin, California (July 15-18). These four-day intensive professional development seminars provide training and resources for introducing basic electronics, the science of radio, space technology and satellite communications, weather science, microcontroller fundamentals and basic robotics into classroom instruction. The curriculum is designed for motivated teachers who want to learn more about wireless technology and share that knowledge with their students. Resources, travel, and room and board expenses are provided by donations to the Education & Technology Program Fund.
The ETP is also offering an advanced Teachers Institute (TI-2) session that focuses on the basic electronics behind sensor technology. Teachers will receive instruction in the use of a selection of sensors (such as temperature, pressure, position and humidity), analog-to-digital conversion techniques, the microcontroller programming involved in accessing the sensors and the use of radio (packet radio-like data links) that connect the sensor outputs to the user. Participants will also explore numerous deployment systems that they might use in their classrooms, including land and water robots, buoys, balloons and satellites. This four-day professional development workshop is sponsored by Dayton Amateur Radio Association and is held in Dayton, Ohio (July 22-25).
The deadline for both the TI-1 (Connecticut and California) and TI-2 (Ohio) sessions is May 15. Apply now!
Equipment and Resource Grants
ETP grants for school radio stations are awarded to schools that provide a plan for using Amateur Radio as part of an enrichment program and/or as part of in-classroom learning. Find more information, as well as applications for a School Station Grant or for a Progress Grant, on the ETP Grants web page The deadline for applications was May 1.
If you would like to learn more about how teachers are using Amateur Radio to engage students in the classroom, visit ARRL's Classroom Activities page.
[ANS thanks Debra Johnson, K1DMJ and The ARRL for the above information]
Ken Pulfer, VE3PU, SK
Avid ARISS supporter, Ken Pulfer, VE3PU, has become a Silent Key.
Those of you that have been involved with ARISS from the beginning know that Ken was one of the ARISS pioneers. Ken was a member of the first cadre of ARISS delegates and was integral in leading the startup of ARISS.
Ken’s intimate knowledge of the space agencies, resulting from his background as a Senior Executive in the Canadian Space Agency, was crucial in helping ARISS formulate the strategies needed to garner support across our international space agency partners. Also, his in- depth understanding of amateur radio policy and connections into the ITU were important factors in helping the ARISS team prepare themselves to develop and operate the unique, multi-national amateur radio platform on ISS that is ARISS. He was a key contributor in guiding the ARISS team in frequency coordination, licensing and callsign strategy. He also was integral in developing ARISS’ terms of reference, our policy for assigning delegates, and he led the effort to nominate and elect our first set of officers. I, for one, will certainly miss Ken’s leadership and guidance. He helped the ARISS program grow from infancy to the strong, international Educational Outreach program that it is now.
I note that even just a few weeks ago Rosalie White, K1STO and I solicited Ken’s guidance on some ITU matters that our ARISS international team were addressing. In all matters, Ken was a “Gentleman’s Gentleman”---the “best of the best. ” His presence and support will be sorely missed by me. And by all in the ARISS community.
On behalf of the ARISS team, I want to extend our condolences to all Ken Pulfer’s family and friends. May Ken Rest in Peace.
[ANS thanks Frank H. Bauer, KA3HDO for the above information]
Cubesat Launches This Week
April 19 BAIKONUR Soyuz-2-1b ----------------------------
A Soyuz-2-1b from the Baikonur launch facility, in Kazakhstan on April 19, 2013 will include three cubesat missions:
Satellite Downlink Mode ---------- --------------- ------------------ OSSI-1 145.980/437.525 CW/1200bps SOMP 437.485 1200, 9600bps BPSK BEESAT-2/3 435.950 4800bps GMSK Bion-M1 Biological research satellites AIST Measurement of the Earth's geomagnetic field Dove-2 Commercial technology demonstration mission
OSSI-1 ------ 145.980 MHz CW, 437.525 MHz 1k2
OSSI-1, the Open Source Satellite Initiative satellite is a cubesat developed by Hojun Song DS1SBO. In addition to the radio beacons OSSI-1 also carries a 44 watt LED optical beacon to flash Morse Code messages to observers on Earth.
The development of the satellite has been documented on the Open Source Satellite Initiative Blog and the Wiki
SOMP ---- Downlink on 437.485 MHz including CW, 1k2 and 9k6 BPSK, AX25 FSK, and AO40 standard 400bit/s BPSK
The Student Oxygen Measurement Project (SOMP) is a cubesat devel- oped by students of the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, organized in the Students' Research Group for Spacecraft Engineer- ing in Dresden (STARD). SOMP will be a standard sized single CubeSat with one payload side and five sides with two solar cells each.
BEESAT-2/3 (Berlin Experimental and Educational Satellite) 435.950 MHz, 4k8 GMSK (both satellites)
BEESAT-2 is a cubesat-sized vehicle carries a technology experiment using gyros and sensors for precise orientation.
BEESat-3 is another cubesat-sized vehicle that will test high-speed data links (up to 1MB/s).
The above cubesat missions and the scientific/commercial missions are also documented on Mineo Wakita's (JE9PEL) web page at:
April 20 KOUROU Vega Launch --------------------------- Estonia's first CubeSat ESTCube-1, amateur radio callsign ES5E/S, is planning to launch from Kourou in the Caribbean at 02:06:31 UT, April 20, 2013 on an ESA VEGA rocket.
Built by students at the University of Tartu ESTCube-1 the main mission of the satellite is to test electric solar wind sail tech- nology, a novel space propulsion technology that could revolution- alize transportation within the solar system. It will deploy a 10 meter conductive electrodynamic tether and the force interacting with the tether will be measured.
The IARU Amateur Satellite Frequency Coordination Panel have pub- lished these frequencies for ESTCube-1:
+ 437.250 MHz - CW beacon, callsign ES5E/S + 437.505 MHz - 9600 bps AX.25 telemetry, callsign ES5E-11
More information and a video has been posted at:
[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK and Mineo Wakita, JE9PEL for the above information]
April 17 Antares Launch Includes Three PhoneSat Cubesats
Three PhoneSat cubesats will be aboard the Orbital Sciences Corporation Antares(TM) rocket from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) in eastern Virginia scheduled for April 17 at approximately 5:00 p.m. (EDT).
Phonesat carries an amateur radio payload on 437.425 MHz, was chosen as one of the winners in the Aerospace category for the Popular Science magazine "Best of What's New 2012" awards. The PhoneSat is a technology demonstration mission consisting of three 1U CubeSats intended to prove that a smartphone can be used to perform many of the functions required of a spacecraft bus.
The satellite is built around the Nexus smartphone which will be running the Android operating system and will be enclosed in a standard 1U cubesat structure. The main function of the phone is to act as the Onboard Computer, but the mission will also utilize the phone's SD card for data storage, 5MP camera for Earth Observation, and 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis magnetometer for attitude determination.
One of the nanosatellites, powered by the HTC Nexus One smartphone, will send back pictures of Earth. The other two, running on the Samsung Nexus S, will have two-way S-band radio allowing them to be controlled from Earth.
With a short lifetime of only about one week, the satellites have no solar cells and operate on battery only.
An article on describes the Antares test flight, dubbed the A-ONE mission, as the first of two missions Orbital is scheduled to conduct in 2013 under its Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) Space Act Agreement with NASA. Following a successful A-ONE launch, Orbital will carry out a full flight demonstration of its new Antares/Cygnus cargo delivery system to the International Space Station (ISS) around mid-year. In addition, the company is also scheduled to launch the first of eight operational cargo resupply missions to the ISS in 2013 under the Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) contract with NASA. All COTS and CRS flights will originate from NASA's WFF, which is geographically well suited for ISS missions and can also accommodate launches of scientific, defense and commercial satellites to other orbits. The Antares medium-class launch system will provide a major increase in the payload launch capability that Orbital can provide to NASA, the U.S. Air Force and other customers. (Reference:
The Antares launch includes the commercial DOVE-1 satellite, a technology development experiment. The satellite had requested IARU coordination for a 1 watt transmitter on 145.825 MHz to downlink a 1200 baud AFSK AX.25 beacon with telemetry and health data. The IARU reported in January that DOVE-1 will no longer be using frequencies in the amateur radio bands based on information posted on the IARU satellite coordination web page for this mission. (Reference: ANS-027 -
See related news at: (phonesat)
[ANS thanks SpaceRef, AMSAT-UK, and Oribital Sciences for the above information]
PhoneSat Tracking Help Requested
The very first PhoneSat’s will be launching aboard the Antares on April 17th at 1700 EDT (launch window to April 19th possibly further). We have manifested 2x PhoneSat 1.0 and 1x PhoneSat 2.0 Beta The orbit is very low (270km x 300km 51.6deg) and they will only be up there for 2 weeks! The phonesat team is looking for as many people as possible to help with tracking their satellites. All three satellites will be transmitting on 437.425MHz and TLE’s + more info can be found at
You can report your received telemetry packets on this web page also.
[ANS thanks Samudra N3RDX for the above information]
STRaND-1 signal reports requested
Dr Chris Bridges from the Surrey Space Centre has advised that the amateur radio beacon on their STRaND-1 CubeSat, the first UK CubeSat became intermittent over the Easter weekend. STRaND-1, was launched on February 25 at 1231 UT on the PSLV-C20 rocket from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Satish Dhawan space centre. Both Mike Rupprecht DK3WN and Nader Omer ST2NH have reported that no signals have been heard since Sunday.
Radio amateurs are asked to listen for STRaND-1 transmitting a 9k6 bps AX.25 signal around 437.568 MHz (+/- Doppler) over the next few days. Please report any positive results to C.P.Bridges[at]
STRaND-1 telemetry beacon
STRaND-1 videos
[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]
Merritt Island High School Mission Selected for NASA Cubesat Launch Initiative
Information Week published news of the Merritt Island High School team who developed StangSat.
The fourth round of selections in NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative also included a team of high school students at the Merritt Island High School in Brevard County, Florida. They plan to build a cubesat containing two accelerometers to measure the amount of vibration in the Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer, or P-POD case that holds the cubesats during launch and then deploys them.
The high school is partnering with students at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. The Cal-Poly CubeSat, dubbed CP9, is actually two cubes that contain accelerometers, plus a radio to transmit data back to Earth for the high school students to analyze. The Merritt Island High School cubesat, named StangSat, will stream data to the CP9 in real time during the launch using Wi-Fi.
“We’re going to be demonstrating that wireless transmissions inside the P-POD aren’t going to harm the launch,” said Adam Darley, a senior at Cal-Poly who is serving as the CP9 project manager. “If we can demonstrate that, then it will act as a platform to being able to stream information without a radio link.”
The Merritt Island High School Cubesat team has more information and photos posted on their Facebook page.
[ANS thanks Information News for the above information]
Successful Contacts
+ 820 Chris Hadfield Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, Milton, Ontario on 06 April 2013.
A successful ARISS Contact was made with participants at 820 Chris Hadfield Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron, Milton, Ontario on 06 Apr. The event began at approximately 20:25 UTC. The contact was be a telebridge between NA1SS and LU8YY. The contact was audible over portions of South America, and was conducted in English.
The Royal Canadian Air Cadet program is a national organization sponsored by the Canadian Forces and its civilian counterpart, the Air Cadet League. The aim of the program is to develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and leadership, promote physical fitness and stimulate interest in the air activities of the Canadian Forces. Cadet membership is open to all boys and girls ages 12-18 and is administered by specially trained Canadian Forces reserve members. There is no cost to join and uniforms are provided. 820 Chris Hadfield Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron is proudly named after Commander C Hadfield who was a member at the unit in his youth.
+ Sir George Simpson Jr. High, Albert, AB, Canada on 09 April 2013
A successful ARISS Contact was made with participants at Sir George Simpson Jr. High, Albert, AB, Canada on 09 April. The event began at approximately 20:00 UTC. The duration of the contact was approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact was a telebridge between OR4ISS and IK1SLD and was audible over portions of Italy. The contact was conducted in English and French.
Sir George Simpson Public School is a junior high located in St. Albert, Alberta. Currently, they have approximately 540 students enrolled in a variety of programs.
The school houses several programs: English, French Immersion, Academic Challenge, Learning Assistance, Opportunity, Knowledge and Employability, and Behaviour Improvement.
While learning in their respective programs, all students are invited to rally around their school motto: "Spirit, Growth, Success" in both thought and action.
Simpson offers many extracurricular activities such as Social Justice, Cheerleading, Art Club and their SABLE high altitude balloon club.
+ Innalik School, Inukjuak, Nunavut, Canada on 12 April 2013
A successful ARISS Contact was made with participants at Innalik School, Inukjuak, Nunavut, Canada on 12 April. The event began at approximately 17:30 UTC. The duration of the contact was approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact was a telebridge between OR4ISS and IK1SLD, and was audible over portions of Italy. The contact is was conducted in English, French, and Inuktitut.
Inukjuak is a remote, fly-in Inuit community located on the Hudson Bay in Northern Quebec. Its population is approximately 1,600. The Inuit of Inukjuak still partake in many cultural practices, for example; constructing sleds or harpoons, sewing traditional garments, training dogsled teams, hunting, fishing and berry picking. However, they also have a window into the modern world and are current on fashion trends, popular music, and breakout phenomena like "Gangnam Style". The primary language in the school and in the village is Inuktitut; English and French are secondary languages.
ARISS Contacts Scheduled for the coming Week
+John McCrae High School, Nepean, Ontario, Canada, telebridge via IK1SLD Contact is a go for: Wed 2013-04-17 18:05:02 UTC 28 deg
+Gray Mountain Primary School, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, telebridge via IK1SLD Contact is a go for: Sat 2013-04-20 18:47:50 UTC 32 deg
ARISS is requesting listener reports for the above contacts. These contacts should be audible over portions of Italy and Europe. Due to issues with the Kenwood radio that are not fully understood at present, the Ericsson radio is going to be used for these contacts. ARISS thanks everyone in advance for their assistance. Due to continuing Space X operations, the above times are subject to last minute changes or cancellations.
+Here you will find a listing of all scheduled school contacts, and questions, other ISS related websites, IRLP and Echolink websites, and instructions for any contact that may be streamed live.
[ANS thanks David, AA4KN, Charlie, AJ9N ans ARISS for the above information]
Schedule of AMSAT Activities at Dayton Hamvention
AMSAT Hamvention activities and displays are planned to take place at the new booth location (444-446 and 433-435) in the Ball Arena, and outside in the Satellite Demonstration Area just outside the Ball Arena entrance.
2013 theme for AMSAT at Dayton is "AMSAT - A View to the Future."
Here are the daily AMSAT activities for on-site and off-site events at the 2013 Hamvention!
Thursday 16 May 2013 -------------------- + 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM AMSAT Booth Setup at Ball Arena (contact Steve Belter, N9IP, n9ip at if you can help during this time).
+ 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM The third Annual AMSAT "Dinner at Tickets" party will be held at Tickets Pub & Eatery in Fairborn, OH. Check out the 'AMSAT at Day- ton Hamvention 2013' link to the page 'AMSAT Dayton Social Events' on the new Web Site:
Friday 17 May 2013 ------------------ + 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM at the AMSAT Booth AMSAT Booth open for membership renewals, books, new items and information.
+ 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM AMSAT/TAPR Banquet at Dayton 2013 AMSAT/TAPR Banquet on Friday night, May 18 is one of the main AMSAT activities during the 2013 Hamvention at Dayton. See the bulletin below for details!
Saturday 18 May 2013 -------------------- + 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM at the AMSAT Booth AMSAT Booth open for membership renewals, books, new items and information.
+ 11:15 AM - 1:30 PM The AMSAT Forum Get the latest information about what is going on with AMSAT and its projects. The AMSAT Forum will be held in Forum Room 5. See the bulletin below for details!
Sunday 19 May 2013 ------------------ + 9:00 AM - 1:00PM at the AMSAT Booth AMSAT Booth open for membership renewals, books, new items and information.
+ 1:00PM - 3:00PM at the AMSAT Booth Take down and storage of the AMSAT Booth. (contact Steve Belter, N9IP, n9ip at if you can help during this time).
Demos Daily on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for All Available Passes -------------------------------------------------------------------- AMSAT is encouraging everyone attending the 2013 Dayton Hamvention to come by the Satellite Demonstration Area just outside of the Ball Area entrance and make a contact using the amateur satellites. There will be AMSAT volunteers to explain how to make the contacts and dur- ing actual satellite passes will complete as many actual contacts as possible. Satellite pass times will be posted in the satellite demon- stration area and at the AMSAT booth.
[ANS thanks AMSAT's 2013 Dayton Committee for the above information]
Satellite Shorts From All Over
+ Happy Birthday Peter Brown VK4PJ
AMSAT Life Member Number 1130, Peter Brown, VK4PJ celebrated his 100th birthday April 13. Peter who didn't become a ham until "later" in life at near age 50, joined AMSAT in 1979. Congratulations, Peter.
+ Congratulations to George Carr, WA5KBH for attaining 531 grids confirmed on his Satellite VUCC Award! VUCC daily updates posted at:
+ Interview about Moon-bounce
A video of what appears to be a radio interview about Moon- bounce/EME has been posted on YouTube
The interview is not in English but the moon bounce signals can be heard from 4:20 into the video.
Watch Radio amateur EME Moon Bounce -
[ANS thanks Southgate Amateur Radio News for the above information]
+ AMSAT YouTube Channel
AMSAT-NA is pleased to announce a dedicated YouTube channel for videos on and about amateur satellite operations. These will include demonstration videos as well as presentations at the AMSAT-NA Dayton Hamvention Forum and yearly General Membership Meeting and Symposium. It also links to the AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-DL channels for additional views and perspectives. The AMSAT-NA channel may be reached through the web site, or directly via
[ANS thanks Alan, W4SCA, for the above information]
+ Check out page 13 of the May 2013 QST ... there is a nice photo and write up of Bill Tynan, W3XO, receiving the Barry Goldwater Award from the Radio Club of America.
The ARRL posted the initial announcement at: (
The AMSAT News Service announcement can be found at:
[ANS thanks JoAnne K9JKM, and the ARRL for the above information]
+ Preparations are underway aboard the ISS for a Russian Segment (RS) Extravehicular Activity (EVA) #32 scheduled for April 19. Status reports indicate that rechargeable battery packs, helmet lights, the pistol grip tool are being prepared to support the EVA. These activities usually require the amateur radio equipment to be turned off, affecting school contact and the 145.825 MHz packet radio operations.
[ANS thanks JoAnne K9JKM for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi- tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu- dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.
73, This week's ANS Editor, EMike McCardel, KC8YLD kc8yld at amsat dot org