SB SAT @ AMSAT W8ISS $WSR-007.S4 WSR 007 Part 4 01/07/2013
ARISSat-1 Catalog number: 37772 Launch date: August 03, 2011 1843z Launch site: International Space Station
Status: Re-entered January 05, 2012
Callsign: RS01S
Current Mode(s): Linear Transponder: U/v Uplink: 435.758 to 435.742 MHz CW/LSB Downlink: 145.922 to 145.938 MHz CW/USB
FM Telemetry/SSTV/Messages/ID: Downlink: 145.950 MHz FM
Telemetry/Beacon: Downlink: 145.939 MHz CW1 145.919 MHz CW2 145.920 MHz 1k BPSK USB 145.920 MHz 400b BPSK USB
Official Webpage:http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/ARISSat/ARISSat.php
IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/informal_detail.php?serialnum=89 [01052012] ===== CAERUS Catalog Number: Launch Date: December 08, 2010 15:43:00 UTC Launch site: Kennedy Space Center, Titusville, Florida, USA
Status: Re-entered December 22, 2010
Uplink: Downlink: 437.600 MHz 1k2 AX.25
Beacon: 437.600 MHz CW
Callsign: KJ6FIX
URL: http://www2.isi.edu/research/prj-serc/prj-serc_projects/prj-serc_projects-8....
IARU coordination status page:
[11102011] ===== CO-56 CUTE-1.7 + APD Catalog number: 28941 Launch date: February 21, 2006
Status: Re-entered Re-entered: October 25, 2009
Uplink: 1268.5000 MHz GMSK 9600 BPS Downlink: 437.4700 MHz 1200 FM ax25 or SRLL (ACTIVE only near Japan?)
Telemetry Beacon: 437.3850 CW Callsign: JQ1YPC
Information webpage: http://lss.mes.titech.ac.jp/ssp/spacerium/cute1blog/
IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=56 [09062010] ===== BEVO-1 (DRAGONSAT-1) Catalog Number: 35690 Launch Date: May 19, 2009
Status: Re-entered Re-entered:
Downlink: 437.325 MHz 9k6 GMSK 437.325 MHz CW 20wpm
IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=117 [07312009] ===== AggieSat2 (DRAGONSAT-2) Catalog Number: 35690 Launch Date: May 19, 2009
Status: Re-entered Re-entered:
Downlink: 436.250 MHz 9k6 FHSS [11112009] ===== Pollux Catalog Number: 35693 Launch Date: July 31, 2009
Status: Re-entered Re-entered:
Callsign: POLLUX-1
Downlink: 145.825MHz 1k2 AX.25
IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=139 [09062010] ===== Castor (ANDE-2) Catalog Number: 35694 Launch Date: July 31, 2009
Status: Re-entered Re-entered:
Callsign: KD4HBO-1
Downlink: 145.825 MHz 1k2 AX.25
IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=144 [09062010] ===== NO-62 FCAL Catalog Number: 29667 Launch Date: December 21, 2006
Status: Re-Entered Re-entered: July 28, 2008
Downlink: 437.385 Mhz APRS AX25
Downlink ID: KD4HBO
Website: http://eng.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/fcal.html
IARU coordination status page: http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=59 [01012009] ===== NO-61 ANDE Catalog Number: 29664 Launch Date: December 21, 2006
Status: Re-Entered Re-entered: December 25, 2007
Uplink/Downlink: 145.825 Mhz FM APRS AX25 [01032008] ===== NO-60 RAFT-1 Catalog Number: 29661 Launch Date: December 21, 2006
Status: Re-Entered Re-entered: May 30, 2007
Main Downlink: 145.825 Mhz FM APRS AX25 APRS Uplink: 145.825 MHz FM APRS AX25 Voice/PSK31 Uplink: 28.120 MHz
Packet to Voice ID: RAFT [06112007] ===== GENESAT-1 Catalog Number: 29655 Launch Date: December 16, 2006
Status: Re-Entered Re-entered date: August 8, 2010
Current Mode: /u
Callsign: KE7EGC
Telemetry Beacon Downlink: 437.0695 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS
Official webpage: http://www.crestnrp.org/genesat1/ahc.html [08082010] ===== HO-59 HITSat Catalog number: 29484 Launch date: September 22, 2006
Status: Re-Entered Re-entered: June 18, 2008
Telemetry Downlink: 437.4250 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS Beacon: 437.2750 MHz CW
Callsign: JR8YJT [01012009] ===== SO-43 Starshine 3 Catalog Number: 26929 Launch Date: September 30, 2001
Status: Re-Entered Re-entered: January 21, 2003
Beacon: 145.825Mhz [02212009] NNNN /EX
ANS is released worldwide via the AMSAT ANS e-mail reflector and a live radiocast on the AMSAT-NA 20-meter net held each Sunday on 14.282 MHz. Pre-net operations start at 18:00 UTC, with current ANS bulletins trans- mitted to the eastern U.S. at 19:00 UTC and to the western U.S. at 19:30 UTC.
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This week's Weekly Satellite Report Editor is James French, W8ISS.
ANS is always dedicated to past ANS editor 'BJ' Arts, WT0N, and to the memory of longtime AMSAT supporters Werner Haas, DJ5KQ, Dennis Kitchen, G0FCL and John Branegan GM4IHJ.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor{at} amsat.org NNNN /EX