ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North America,The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to:
In this edition: * AMSAT at the 2007 Dayton Hamvention * AMSAT Presentations Scheduled for SEVHFS Conference in Atlanta * AMSAT Awards * Satellite Shorts From All Over * Field Day AMSAT Rules * ARISS Status - 15 March 2007
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-084.01 AMSAT at the 2007 Dayton Hamvention
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 084.01 From AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD. March 25, 2007 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-084.01
AMSAT at the 2007 Dayton Hamvention
AMSAT will have a great deal to offer the amateur satellite enthusiast at the 2007 Dayton Hamvention.
The dates for Dayton are Friday May 18 - Sun May 20, 2007. The AMSAT Forum will be on Friday afternoon this year from 11:15am to 2:00pm in Forum Room 1.
Speakers and topics during the forum are:
+ Moderator: Barry Baines, WD4ASW, AMSAT-NA Corporate Secretary
+ Rick Hambly, W2GPS, President, AMSAT-NA "Summary of AMSAT-NA Activities in 2007"
+ Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, AMSAT-DL President and Bob McGwier, N4HY, AMSAT-NA VP - Engineering, "Phase 3-Express: An Update"
+ Jim Sanford, WB4GCS, EAGLE Project Manager "Eagle Status Update"
+ Andrew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, AMSAT-NA VP-Operations and Gould Smith, WA4SXM, AO-51 Command Station, "AMSAT-NA Satellite Operations and AO-51 Update"
+ Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, AMSAT-NA Director-Human Space Flight, "ARISS and Future SuitSat Missions"
Friday night will usher in the first AMSAT/TAPR Banquet, to be held at the Air Force Museum. "Dinner Under the Wings" will be served in the Cold War area of the museum beginning at 6:45pm. The museum will be open until 10:00pm for viewing. Join us Friday night for an enjoy- able dinner and experience. The price of the Banquet is $35, tickets must be purchased online at the AMSAT Store or by calling Martha at the AMSAT Office (301) 589-6062. There will no Banquet tickets sales at the AMSAT booth this year, as we have to give the museum a final count on Tuesday before the banquet.
For additional information see the AMSAT website front page or the AMSAT at Dayton pages at: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/hamvention/Dayton2007.php
See you there!
[ANS thanks Gould, WA4SXM for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-084.02 AMSAT Presentations Scheduled for SEVHFS Conference in Atlanta
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 084.02 From AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD. March 25, 2007 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-084.02
AMSAT Presentations Scheduled for SEVHFS Conference in Atlanta
The program for the upcoming Southeastern VHF Society Conference includes presentations by AMSAT President Rick Hambly, W2GPS and Gould Smith, WA4SXM.
On Saturday, April 28, 2007 the SEVHFS program schedule shows that Gould will present "Commanding the AO-51 Satellite via UHF/VHF Links" at 1:00PM. Rick will speak on "AMSAT and the Eagle Satellite" at 1:45 PM.
Conference advance registration is still open until March 31st. Folks who register in advance get a $5 discount and a chance at a $200 Down East Microwave Inc. gift certificate. For further information on the conference, including registration information please go to http://www.svhfs.org.
[ANS thanks Jim, W4KXY for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-084.03 AMSAT Awards
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 084.03 From AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD. March 25, 2007 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-084.03
AMSAT Awards
Bruce, KK5DO, AMSAT Director Contests and Awards says congratultions this week go out to these amateur satellite operators:
We would like to welcome the following to the satellite community. They have made their first satellite contact and are now members of the AMSAT Satellite Communicators Club. + Bob Massey, WA9NBU
AMSAT Communication Achievement Award + Paulo Pinto, CT1ETE, #445 + Greg Drzyzga, NA4N, #446 + Fernando Martins, CT2ISG, #447
South Africa AMSAT Satellite Communications Achievement Award + Paulo Pinto, CT1ETE, #US105 + Robert Wyckoff, KB3MBO, #US106 + Greg Drzyzga, NA4N, #US107
To see all the awards visit http://www.amsat.org.
[ANS thanks Bruce, KK5DO for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-084.04 Satellite Shorts From All Over
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 084.04 From AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD. March 25, 2007 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-084.04
Satellite Shorts From All Over
+ Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK, along with Gerry VE4GTB/KD7MDB, Larry W7LB, Brock W6GMT, and Ron W6ZQ reported success and good satellite operating demos from the Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club's "Springfest" hamfest. Contacts were made on two AO-51 passes and they sold about $200 of AMSAT merchandise. Martha at the AMSAT Office will send supplies for and AMSAT table at any hamfest. Contact her three weeks prior to the event.
+ At the request of the ALMASAT team, an Italian university microsat mission with both U and S band downlinks AO-51 was switched to V/S 38k4 digital operation on March 15 and March 16.
+ New photos, an MP3 recording of the contact, video recordings, and a link to the article written about it in the Orange County Register are online from the ARISS Mission Viejo school contact. See: http://ucisat.eng.uci.edu/uplink.
+ The recently completed ARISS contact at Boulder Hill is now on the Fox River Radio League's website at http://www.frrl.org.
[ANS thanks everyone for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-084.05 Field Day AMSAT Rules AMSAT News Service Bulletin 084.05 From AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD. March 25, 2007 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-084.05
It is once again time for Field Day and if you would like to participate in AMSAT's Field Day, the rules for this year are posted. They will be on the AMSAT web page (as soon as the update there is performed).
Direct Link: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/awards/amsatfd.php
or.... from the drop down "Site Quick Reference" select Field Day Competition.
The rules are also available from my web site in both PDF and DOC formats. http://www.amsatnet.com
Direct Link: http://www.amsatnet.com/2007fd.doc http://www.amsatnet.com/2007fd.pdf
If you are using Internet Explorer, they can be selected directly from the menu on the main page.
[ANS thanks Bruce, KK5DO, for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-084.06 ARISS Status - 15 March 2007
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 084.06 From AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD. March 25, 2007 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-084.06
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Status Report March 15, 2007
1. Press Coverage of Boulder Hill School Contact
On Tuesday, March 6, students at Boulder Hill Elementary School in Montgomery, Illinois participated in an Amateur Radio on International Space Station (ARISS) contact. Additional information, including audio and photos, may be found on the Fox River Radio League's website. See: http://www.frrl.org The Ledger-Sentinel posted a story covering the contact on line. See: http://www.ledgersentinel.com/article.asp?a=5960
2. Mission Viejo School Contact Update
On Friday, March 9, Mike Lopez-Alegria, KE5GTK, participated in a Mission Viejo High School - Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact. Video, audio and photos may be found on the University of California, Irvine website. See: http://ucisat.eng.uci.edu/uplink For more photos of the event, go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/priusjames/sets/72157594578090832/
3. Upcoming School Contacts
University School in Shaker Heights, Ohio is an independent school that has its own full size space shuttle simulator, mission control, ISS mockup and an FAA approved flight simulator. An Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact has been approved for the University School on Friday, March 16 at 16:14 UTC. Audio of this event will be fed to the EchoLink AMSAT (101 377) and JK1ZRW (277 208) servers. To prepare for the contact, amateur radio will be presented to the students, and electronic construction projects and space station communications will be covered. If time permits, the students may produce an audio-visual trip to the space station using the school’s simulators, video and computer animation and web sites.
East Aurora Middle School in East Aurora, New York has been scheduled for an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact on Monday, March 19 at 13:04 UTC via the telebridge station ZSBTD in South Africa. The audio will be fed into the EchoLink AMSAT (101 377) and JK1ZRW (277 208) servers, as well as the IRLP Discovery Reflector 9010. The audio will also be webcast. This contact is a Sunita Williams, KD5PLB, crew pick.
The Juvenile Space Club in Tatsuno, Tatsunomachi, Nagano-pref, Japan has been slated for an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact on Saturday, March 24 at 00:39 UTC. Five primary schools are located in this region, and students from all schools plan on participating in the event. The children will receive lessons on Space and the ISS and its crew. They will produce a Space Newspaper which will be distributed to each school. Children will draw pictures of the contact and will create a catch phrase for the event. Media coverage will include television, radio, newspapers.
4. ARRL Article on Illinois and California Contacts
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) ran an article on the Boulder Hill Elementary School and Mission Viejo High School Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contacts. See: http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2007/03/15/100/?nc=1
[ANS thanks Carol, KB3LKI for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
73, This week's ANS Editor, Dee Interdonato, NB2F nb2f at amsat dot org