The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor- mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
The news feed on http://www.amsat.org publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at amsat.org.
In this edition:
* Special Callsigns From Brazil During Olympic Games * Satellite DX News * Receive Pictures from Space – ISS SSTV August 15-16 * July/August AMSAT Journal in the Mail * AMSAT-SA Partnership Announced to Develop QB50 nSight-1 Groundstation * P4A Es'hailSat Geostationary Satellite Launch Re-Scheduled
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-227.01 ANS-227 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 227.01 From AMSAT HQ Kensington, MD. August 14, 2016 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-227.01
Special Callsigns From Brazil During Olympic Games
Members of the Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Radio Emissao (LABRE) will be active with the special call ZV2016RIO from Rio de Janeiro between Aug. 5 and 21. QRV on 160-2m (except 30m) on CW, SSB, FM, PSK, and D-Star, as well as via satellites. QSL via PY1AA.
Henrique/PP5NY operates with the call PX2016RIO in the context of the Olympic Games on HF (CW only). QSL via PP5NY (d/B), LoTW.
The following special event calls will also be active while the Games run: ZV8R, ZV8I, ZV8O, ZV8D, ZV8E, ZV8J, ZV8A, and ZV8WN. QSOs count towards the award RIO 2016. QSL via bureau, ClubLog. See: http://www.labre-rr.org/olimpiadasrio2016.html
[ANS thanks DXNL 2000 - August 3, 2016 DX Newsletter which is a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting". It is noted that this 2000th issue of the DX Newsletter reflects continuous coverage over 62 years. Congratulations, thank you, and 73]
Satellite DX News
CY9C ST. PAUL ISLAND DXPEDITION (Update, dated August 2nd). Randy, N0TG, reports on the upcoming CY9C operation for August 19-29th [edited]: The CY9C DXpedition team is very busy with last minute details and packing. All equipment will begin the journey to our take off point in Nova Scotia, August 13-14th. We plan to be partially on the air on 19th August and fully operational 20th August. The home page of our website has a link for those who desire to check the log. Log data will be posted LIVE. We will be using ClubLog and OQRS. Direct QSL via WA4DAN.
Activating 60m for the first time from St. Paul is exciting for the team. And, while conditions will be a challenge for 160m, the team is energized to give it a serious effort. Also, be assured we will pay attention to the long and/or difficult propagation paths on all bands when conditions are workable. We look forward to working not only the more common bands CW/SSB/RTTY, but also 6m, 2m EME and Satellite.
We appreciate the donations and support by many. Even now in these last days, support is most helpful and appreciated. Our sincere thanks to all interested and following this DXpedition. We look forward to working you. Thank you. The WEB site: http://www.CY9DXpedition.com
(Update, dated August 2nd). Randy, N0TG, reports: First cargo ship- ment packed and ready to go. Shipment from NY to northern tip of Nova Scotia is scheduled for Aug 11th. Next shipment will be from Ohio/Indiana and will ship August 13th. Destination is the take off-point - Dingwall, Nova Scotia. Team members will arrive in Dingwall between August 14-17th. Early arrivals will begin preparation for final transport to the island.
SATELLITE GRIDS ROAD TRIP. Ron, N8RO, reports that he "will start a road trip on Thursday, August 11th. The trip will head north to OK, KS, NE, SD, ND and SK. We will then head west on the Trans Canadian Highway to AB & BC. From BC we will go to WA, MT, WY, CO and then work our way home to TX on Friday, August 26th. While the trip is primarily a vacation, I will attempt to make satellite contacts, hopefully one or two a day, on XW-2C, AO-85, SO-50 and FO-29 along the way. Possible grid activations include: EM03/04, EN00/01, EN04/05, DN88/89, DO50/60, DO11/21, CO90, CN99, CN78/88, CN97/96, DN36/37, DN75/76, DN71 and DM95. I hope to contact many of you during this trip."
[ANS thanks the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1277 for the above information]
Receive Pictures from Space – ISS SSTV August 15-16
The ARRL reports Slow-scan television (SSTV) transmissions will be made from the International Space Station (ISS) on August 15-16, 2016.
The MAI-75 Experiment will transmit SSTV images on 145.800 MHz FM over the course of a few orbits as the space station passes over Moscow. Operators in Europe and South America will have the best chances to receive images. Operators along the US East Coast may have one chance on August 16.
Thanks to Kenneth Ransom, N5VHO, ISS Ham Project Coordinator
[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]
July/August AMSAT Journal in the Mail
The July/August 2016 issue of The AMSAT Journal has gone to press and should be arriving in member's mailboxes soon.
In this issue: * Apogee View by Barry Baines, WD4ASW * Engineering Update by Jerry Buxton, N0JY * Member Footprints by Fernando Ramirez-Ferrer, NP4JV * AMSAT Field Day Results by Bruce Paige, KK5DO * Digital Microwave Communications in Amateur Radio Satellites by Michelle Thompson, W5NYV and Robert McGwier, N4HY * QRV from PJ2 by Michael Lipp, HB9WDF * Protecting Satellites and Ground Stations from EMP and CME by Joe Kornowski, KB6IGK * Aboard the Queen Mary, W6RO, on AO-7 by Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK * Big Science / Amateur Budget by Eric Nichols, KL7AJ * Goodbye to a Good Man and Former AMSAT President by Robert McGwier, N4HY
[ANS thanks Paul, N8HM, for the above information]
AMSAT-SA Partnership Announced to Develop QB50 nSight-1 Groundstation
SCS Space (a subsidiary of the privately owned South African SCS Aerospace group) partnered with AMSAT SA to assist with internationally distributed ground station facilities for their up and coming QB50 satellite, "nSight-1". The use of multiple ground stations will multiply the downloaded science and imagery (32 m resolution) data generated by the satellite. QB50 is a constellation of 50 CubeSats that will be launched into a low earth orbit to study the earth's lower thermosphere. QB50 will provide multi-point, in-situ measurements. Each satellite will carry one of three science sensors that will generate data that must be downloaded to the ground daily.
This is a unique opportunity for Radio Amateurs in South Africa to participate in an interesting satellite project. To participate please send details of your station, such as transceiver and antennas available as well as your location to [email protected]. The next step will be to participate in a briefing session that will be conducted on Skype in two weeks' time. More details on www.amsatsa.org.za.
AMSAT-SA SDR Development Conversation
The next AMSAT SDR Conversation takes place on Wednesday 24 August. The second AMSAT SDR Conversation was held last Wednesday when a basic mind-map to develop a SDR transponder was proposed and discussed. During the next two weeks, the participants will populate the mind-map, which will be discussed at the next SDR Conversation on Wednesday 24 August. For more information and how to take part in the conversation, visit www.amsatsa.org.za.
[ANS thanks the South African Radio League News for Sunday 14 August 2016 for the above information]
P4A Es'hailSat Geostationary Satellite Launch Re-Scheduled
AMSAT Deutschland reported that the P-4A transponder on the Es'hail-2 is re-scheduled for launch in Q3 2017.
Peter Guelzow, DB2OS, wrote, "We have been informed by Es'hailSat Qatar Satellite company, that the launch of Es'hail-2 with the first P4-A geostationary amateur radio transponder is shifted to Q3/2017."
[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi- tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu- dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.
73, This week's ANS Editor, Lee McLamb, KU4OS ku4os at amsat dot org