ANS-092 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor- mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at
In this edition:
* ITF-2 Team Begins Normal Operations and Offers Awards * TAPR Announces SDR Presentations at Hamvention * California Students to Speak to NASA Astronauts on ISS * NASA Releases Searchable Image, Video, Audio Library * Free Tours of Facilities at NASA's Glenn Research Center
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-092.01 ANS-092 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 092.01 From AMSAT HQ KENSINGTON, MD. DATE April 2, 2017 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-092.01
ITF-2 Team Begins Normal Operations and Offers Awards
ITF-2 (YUI-2) entered normal operation phase on Mar 25th JST. Telemetry information and messages will be transmitted in this phase for the achievement of main mission.
The details of the AWARD and SWL cards are as below,
AWARD: With reference to the message on Jan 15th UTC, the First 100 Reports from overseas stations are qualified for this award. Only ten overseas stations sent report so far. Still enough award can be issued. Additionally, a souvenir, a sticky screen cleaner, will be given with this award. The design motif is the small antenna of ITF-2. Design of the cleaner:
SWL cards: Five designs are prepared. The stations which report more than five times can receive all designs. Also, the specially designed card will be presented to the stations which received a signal from the small antenna, because the reports are valuable to demonstrate the antenna in space. So far, two stations succeeded in the reception. Designs of SWL cards:
Further special events are planned for the promotion of receptions by more stations.
There were some reception reports by very simple equipment, for example, Dipole or 5/8 wave length whip with USB tuner dongle (RTL2832).
Reception reports can be submitted at:
Operation information of ITF-2:
[ ANS thanks Atsushi, JI1OEH, for the above information]
TAPR Announces SDR Presentations at Hamvention
TAPR Announces SDR Presentations at the Dayton Hamvention by Carl Laufer who is an electronics, software & radio enthusiast from New Zealand and operates the blog specializing in news, projects & products related to ultra low cost software defined radio & the RTL-SDR dongle.
TAPR Digital Forum - Introduction to RTL-SDR: Ultra cheap software defined radio Digital Modes Now and in the Future Forum - Introduction to low cost HF monitoring with RTL-SDR
AMSAT/TAPR Joint Banquet - The world of low cost software defined radio
[ANS thanks TAPR for the above information]
California Students to Speak to NASA Astronauts on ISS
Students from Betsy Ross Elementary School in Anaheim, California, will speak with NASA astronauts living and working aboard the International Space Station at 11:40 a.m. EDT Monday, April 3. The 20-minute, Earth-to-space call will air live on NASA Television and the agency's website. (n.b. - this is not an ARISS contact via amateur radio)
Expedition 50 Commander Shane Kimbrough and Flight Engineer Peggy Whitson, both of NASA, will answer questions from students in several grades. Students at Betsy Ross Elementary School have been hard at work exploring the space program, NASA and the space station leading up to the downlink. They have conducted research through virtual field trips while also designing realistic models of the space station. With each engaging activity, the students' knowledge of NASA and the space program has been greatly enhanced.
Kimbrough launched to the space station Oct. 19, 2016, and will return April 10. Whitson launched to the space station Nov. 17, 2016, and is scheduled to return to Earth later this spring.
Media interested in covering the event should contact Keith Sterling, director of communications & public information, Anaheim Elementary School District, at 714-600-0952 or [email protected]. Ross Elementary is at 535 S. Walnut Street in Anaheim.
Linking students directly to astronauts aboard the space station provides unique, authentic experiences designed to enhance student learning, performance and interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). This in-flight education downlink is an integral component of NASA Education's STEM on Station activity, which provides a variety of space station resources and opportunities to students and educators.
Get NASA TV streaming video, schedules and downlink information at:
Learn about videos and lesson plans highlighting research on the International Space Station at:
[ANS thanks NASA for the above information]
NASA Releases Searchable Image, Video, Audio Library
NASA officially has launched a new resource to help the public search and download out-of-this-world images, videos and audio files by keyword and metadata searches from The NASA Image and Video Library website consolidates imagery spread across more than 60 collections into one searchable location.
NASA Image and Video Library allows users to search, discover and download a treasure trove of more than 140,000 NASA images, videos and audio files from across the agency’s many missions in aeronautics, astrophysics, Earth science, human spaceflight, and more. Users now can embed content in their own sites and choose from multiple resolutions to download. The website also displays the metadata associated with images.
Users can browse the agency’s most recently uploaded files, as well as discover historic and the most popularly searched images, audio files and videos. Other features include: + Automatically scales the interface for mobile phones and tablets + Displays the EXIF/camera data that includes exposure, lens used, and other information, when available from the original image + Allows for easy public access to high resolution files + All video includes a downloadable caption file
NASA Image and Video Library’s Application Programmers Interface (API) allows automation of imagery uploads for NASA, and gives members of the public the ability to embed content in their own sites and applications. This public site runs on NASA’s cloud native “infrastructure-as-a-code” technology enabling on-demand use in the cloud.
The library is not comprehensive, but rather provides the best of what NASA makes publicly available from a single point of presence on the web. Additionally, it is a living website, where new and archival images, video and audio files continually will be added.
For more information about NASA’s activities, visit:
[ANS thank NASA for the above information]
Free Tours of Facilities at NASA's Glenn Research Center
NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, is offering tours that take visitors behind the scenes and inside certain research facilities. Glenn scientists and engineers serve as guides. Tours and open house events will be held each month through October 2017. Tours are free for groups and individuals, but to guarantee admission, reservations are required. Visitor parking is also free.
On the days of the tours, a bus departs from Glenn's main gate every hour, beginning at 10 a.m. The last tour departs at 1 p.m. Each tour lasts about 45 minutes and is followed by a stop at Glenn's Gift Shop. (The historic district tours follow a different schedule. See tour schedule for details.)
Glenn's 2017 Tour Schedule
May 6, 2017 -- Historic District Tour Featuring the 10- by 10-Foot Wind Tunnel: Join us on a free tour of Glenn's recently established historic district. The tours feature the 10- by 10-foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel. For over 60 years, the wind tunnel has been used to conduct propulsion testing, including research for the Apollo program.
June 3, 2017 -- NASA Glenn Hangar: Get a behind-the-scenes look at the NASA Glenn Hangar. See how aircraft at NASA Glenn are used to monitor algae blooms on Lake Erie and other waterways.
July 8, 2017: SLOPE Laboratory: Explore locomotion on planets with a visit to the Simulated Lunar Operations, or SLOPE, Lab. See how rover components are tested for their ability to navigate and investigate planetary surfaces.
Aug. 5, 2017 -- Photovoltaic Laboratory: See the light of solar cells with a behind-the-scenes tour of the Photovoltaic Laboratory. See how researchers are exploring ways to create energy from light in order to power everything from homes to spacecraft.
Sept. 9, 2017 -- Zero-G Facility: Explore microgravity research of yesterday, today and tomorrow with a tour of Glenn's Zero-G Facility. Learn how dropping payloads over 400 feet can give researchers a glimpse into microgravity conditions.
Oct. 7, 2017 -- Historic District Tour Featuring the 8- by 6-Foot Wind Tunnel: Join us on a free tour of Glenn's recently established historic district. The tours feature the 8- by 6-foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel. Built in 1946, the wind tunnel has contributed to decades of aeronautics research.
Tours are open to U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. To guarantee admission, reservations are required. For more information on tours and to make reservations, visit
Please direct questions about the tours to [email protected]
[ANS thanks NASA Education Express Message -- March 30, 2017 for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi- tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu- dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.
73, This week's ANS Editor, Lee McLamb, KU4OS ku4os at amsat dot org
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Lee McLamb