ANS-333 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: [email protected]
In this edition:
* AMSAT Settles Clean Room Lawsuits with Defendants * UO-11 Calls Again * BT3WX Special Event Station Celebrates Launch of XW-1 Amateur Satellite * AMSAT Awards * SKN on OSCAR 2010 * How's Satellite DX? * ARISS Meets With Astronaut Hams * SO-67 SumbandilaSat Control Team Invites Coordination Suggestions
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-333.01 AMSAT Settles Clean Room Lawsuits with Defendants
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 333.01
November 29, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-333.01
On October 20, 2009, AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW, Rick Hambly, W2GPS, and Bob Davis, KF4KSS met with AMSAT attorney Bruce Bright and participated in a mediation process to see if an agreement could be reached with MDHawk Corporation, MIST, Hawk Institute for Space Sciences (HISS) and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) regarding the AMSAT clean room litigation (See previous 'Apogee View' articles in the AMSAT JOURNAL for background). After a full day of negotiations at the Henson Center of UMES, an agreement was reached with the defendants that averts further court litigation proceedings. The agreement calls for the defendants to pay AMSAT $19,000.00 and AMSAT will leave the existing cleanroom in place "as-is, where-is." In addition, AMSAT will remove the portable storage unit ('POD') that currently sits on HISS property by November 20, 2009 with payment by the defendants due by that date.
Per the agreement, by November 6 AMSAT removed the POD that was at the HISS facility being used for outside storage and the $19,000.00 payment was received last week from the defendants. Once the check clears, AMSAT attorney Bruce Bright will file the appropriate paperwork to dismiss both the case before the Circuit Court and the case before the District Court that are pending.
The outcome of the negotiation leaves AMSAT in the following condition:
- We have $19,000.00 (minus legal fees owed to our attorney) to invest in a new clean room at a new location in a manner that best serves AMSAT.
- We avoided the cost of dismantling the existing clean room (including electricians to disconnect power and plumbers to remove the fire sup- pression system), placing it in storage (paying storage fees) and then shipping to our new lab location (incurring relocation fees with a moving company) once such a facility is finalized.
- We end all interaction with HISS, eliminating the need for volunteers to travel to Pocomoke City, MD to be on scene to oversee/manage the removal process of the existing clean room as well as enlist the local amateurs who assisted us in the construction of the clean room in 2007-2008.
- We avoid the cost of future litigation, including the costs of taking depositions, submission of legal briefs, and court costs. The cost of going to court would likely wipe out a significant portion of any cash that we might be able to secure from the legal process and there is no guarantee that court action would result in a desirable outcome.
- Settling at this time allows AMSAT to focus on future opportunities and not continue to allocate resources on resolving past actions.
AMSAT President Barry Baines noted, "This legal process over the past year has been both frustrating and a 'learning experience'. The 'lessons learned' will be applied to future relationships. I look forward to getting this legal process behind us and moving forward on new opportunities."
[ANS thanks AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-333.02 UO-11 Calls Again
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 333.02
November 29, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-333.02
Silent for 18 months, it seems as if 25 year old OSCAR-11 has reactivated itself on 145.826 MHz. After its batteries failed, UO-11 remained operational with good signals when its solar cells were exposed to sufficient sunlight.
The UO-11 Control Station at G3CWV came out of retirement last week- end with Clive noting, "I have received two reports from Keith N4ZQ that he has heard UO-11 on 19 November at 13:33 - 13:43, and on 22 November at 13:02 UTC. The frequency is 145.826 MHz. Mode is FM."
Clive says, "I've been receiving good signals from the satellite during the morning passes, when it was not in eclipse. However, on November 27 nothing was heard this morning, so the watchdog timer may have caused the bird to switch off. I would be interested in any reports of reception AFTER 09:30 UTC 26 November."
Since last week, reception reports have been rolling in from around the world:
KB2M reported he has been collecting telemetry from UO-11 for the last week or so. His files are available for anyone decoding the telemetry.
KU7Z heard strong signals from UO-11 on November 26 in Utah.
VK5DG heard UO-11 buzzing away over the west half of VK on November 26 at 0003 UTC.
NH6VB reported from Hawaii his 706MKIIG and Arrow antenna on a photo tripod, copied a weak, barely above noise level, but it was there.
ZL2BX says he heard very strong signals from UO-11 during the entire pass on November 22. Up to 60db over S9 almost all pass. (TS-2000, 10 el yagis, preamp at ant). Also same report from VK2AYE.
W5IU heard the old familiar "buzz" loud and clear on a Yaesu FT-530 HT and a hand held three element Yagi on a November 23 pass over Fort Worth, TX, this morning. It reached full scale on the FT-530 during a good part of the pass.
K9MSG in Indianapolis reported that on November 24 he heard UO-11 on two passes using a ground plane vertical on a tower. Signals on the first pass were S-2 to S-7 signal level and reception was very noisy. The second pass of that day yielded reception at S-1 to S-3 with 1 to 3 second noise bursts.
Clive wraps up with, "Very many thanks to everyone who sent reception reports of this satellite or posted them to the amsat-bb board. I've been overwhelmed by the number received! I've replied to most, but my apologies if I've missed anyone."
Further details, including an audio clip to help identify the satellite are on Clive's OLD website at:
[ANS thanks Clive, G3CWV for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-333.03 BT3WX Special Event Station Celebrates Launch of XW-1 Amateur Satellite
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 333.03
November 29, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-333.03
To celebrate the launch of China's first amateur satellite, XW-1, AMSAT-China will set up a special event station in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province of China using the callsign BT3WX. The station plans to operate on all HF amateur bands from 10 to 160 meters and on VHF/UHF amateur satellite bands, including FM, SSB, CW, RTTY and PACSAT modes.
Operations at BT3WX have already commenced and the special event station will remain active until XW-1 is launched. A specific launch date has not been released as of press time, but is expected in mid-December.
A team of 200 participants will consist of radio amateurs from all around China, teachers and students, the State Radio Regulation Bureau of China, the China Association for Science Technology, the Chinese Society of Astronautics and the Chinese Radio Sports Association officials, as well as journalists will participate in the operation of BT3WX. Their goal is to inspire enthusiasm for amateur radio satellite communications activities in China among radio amateurs and young peo- ple learning satellite communication technology and space knowledge.
THE BT3WX operating team is as follows: Team leader: BA1EO, Fan Operation and Technology support: BD5RV, Michael Chen Press release and QSL Manager: BA1DU, Alan Kung (P.O.Box 8091, Beijing, CHINA 100088)
The equipment at the HF Station includes an Icom IC-756PROIII and IC-7000. The HF antennas are:
160/80M Ground Plane 40M 3ele Yagi 20/15M 5ele Yagi 10M 3ele Yagi WARC Ground Plane Power Amplifier: GO-2KW
At the Satellite station the gear will include an Icom IC-910H feeding a VHF 7 element cross Yagi and UHF 13 element cross Yagi.
BT3WX Communications HF Award: Stations completing two-way communications with BT3WX on 9 different bands and modes can apply for the BT3WX HF communications award. The same band in different modes counts as a different band / mode.
BT3WX Communications Satellite Award Stations completing two-way communications with BT3WX through at least two different mode of transponders can apply for the BT3WX satellite communications award. The different modes can be through the same satellite.
BT3WX Communications Awards applications mailing address: AMSAT-China, P.O.Box 8091, Beijing, CHINA 100088 E-mail: [email protected]
The XW-1 communications payload includes a beacon and three cross band transponders operating in FM, linear, and digital modes. Here is a Spacecraft Summary:
Common Name: XW-1 Alternate Name: CAS-1 Satellite Type: Microsatellite Launch Date: TBD Launch Location: Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center of China Launch Vehicle: CZ-2C(LM-2C) Rocket Apogee: 1200.00 km Perigee: 1200.00 km Inclination: 100.50 deg Period: 109.00 min Dimensions: 680mm*480mm (Envelope dimension), not including antennas
Weight: 60.000 Kg Organization: CAMSAT
Frequency Information
Mode Beacon (200 mw): Downlink 435.7900 MHz CW
Mode FM Voice Repeater (1 watt, PL: 67Hz): Uplink: 145.8250 MHz FM Downlink 435.6750 MHz FM
Mode Linear Transponder (1 watt, Inverting): Uplink: 145.950 MHz SSB/CW Downlink 435.740 MHz SSB/CW The transponder is 50khz wide and centered on the frequencies given.
Mode PacSat BBS (1 watt): Uplink: 145.8250 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS Downlink 435.6750 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS
Antennas: 145 Mhz RX Antenna: 2.0dBi max, LHCP 435 Mhz TX Antenna: 3.0dBi max, RHCP
The AMSAT Satellite information page will be updated as the latest information is received from AMSAT-China. Monitor this page for the latest news:
[ANS thanks Alan Kung, BA1DU and Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-333.04 AMSAT Awards
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 333.04
November 29, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-333.04
AMSAT Director Contests and Awards, Bruce KK5DO congratulates all who have earned these AMSAT Awards:
The following have entered into the Satellite Communicators Club for making their first satellite QSO: Luis Benvenutty, WP4NYY Zeljko Ulip, 9A2EY
The following have earned the AMSAT Satellite Communications Achievement Award: Rodney Waln, KC0ZHF #506 Neven Mrduljas, 9A5YY #507 Zeljko Ulip, 9A2EY #508
The following have earned the AMSAT Sexagesimal Award. Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK #151 Gail McDaniel, KB0RZD #152 Nick Kucij, KB1RVT #153
The following have earned the AMSAT Century Club award. Michael Klomfass, DH5MK #38
The following have earned the South Africa Communications Achievement Award. Rodney Waln, KC0ZHF #US138 Zeljko Ulip, 9A2EY #US139
The following have earned the W4AMI Achievement Award (for 1000 contacts) Gail McDaniel, KB0RZD #57 Zeljko Ulip, 9A2EY #58
To see all the awards visit
[ANS thanks Bruce, KK5DO for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-333.05 SKN on OSCAR 2010
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 333.05
November 29, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-333.05
All radio amateurs, worldwide, are cordially invited to participate in AMSAT's Straight Key Night on OSCAR 2010.
Participating in SKN on OSCAR 2010 is easy. No rules, no scoring and no need to send in a log. Just operate CW through any OSCAR between 0000 and 2400 UTC on 1 January 2010, using a straight hand key.
In keeping with the friendly nature of this event, all participants are encouraged to nominate someone they worked for "Best Fist." Your nominee need not have the best fist of those you heard, just of those you worked. Please send your nomination to [email protected]. A list of those nominated will appear in ANS and The AMSAT Journal.
[ANS thanks Ray, W2RS for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-333.06 How's Satellite DX?
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 333.06
November 29, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-333.06
AO-51 Contact ZL2BX from McMurdo Station Antarctica
Bill, K7MT has activated Antarctica as KC4USV on AO-51. He worked Alan, ZL2BX from the McMurdo Station Antarctica on November 27. Bill plans more satellite operation this weekend when he is off for two days. Hopefully more VK's and ZL's will hear "Cheers from McMurdo Station Antarctica KC4USV."
Iceland to W7 via AO-7
Bob, W7LRD reported he recently worked Ari, TF3ARI in Iceland on AO-7. The AO-7 footprint from TF will cover most of the U.S.! Contacts via AO-51 between US East Coast stations and Iceland were reported by John, K8YSE
[ANS thanks Terry, ZL3QL; Bill, K7MT/KC4USV; Bob, W7LRD for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-333.07 ARISS Meets With Astronaut Hams
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 333.07
November 29, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-333.07
ISS Ham Debrief Held with Astronaut Michael Barratt
On November 16, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) team members participated in an ISS Ham debrief session with Expedition 19/20 astronaut Michael Barratt. Barratt provided the team with feedback about the ARISS contacts held during his ISS mission. The feedback will be used to fine-tune ARISS program operations.
Astronaut Training Status
Two training sessions were held this week with astronauts Tracy Caldwell, KF5DBF and Dan Burbank, KC5ZSX. Both astronauts were given the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) basic operations and school contact course. Caldwell also received her preflight overview as she is scheduled to fly with Expedition 23 in April 2010. Burbank will fly with Expedition 29 in September 2011.
[ANS thanks Carol, KB3LKI and the ARISS Status Report for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-333.08 SO-67 SumbandilaSat Control Team Invites Coordination Suggestions
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 333.08
November 29, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-333.08
Jan-Albert, ZR1JAK, wrote on behalf of the SO-67 SumbandilaSat team, "Given that the SA-AMSAT payload on SO-67 is shared with the satellite's back-up TT&C transponder, there is unfortunately not a way to keep the payload switched on permanently, or even semi-permanently. For the lifetime of the satellite we will there- fore have to do with active scheduling."
In an effort to make this as painless as possible, ZR1AJK requests comments on the possible use of regional coordinators, which worked quite well for SO-35. Such coordinators would then be responsible for setting up schedules in advance for their specific regions, taking into account obviously the pool of possible satellite passes, as well as local events / fairs etc. The SO-67 Command Station would then simply load the schedules on a weekly basis.
The initial focus has been on Europe, RSA, South America, North Amer- ica, Canada, Japan and Australia, and New Zealand, ZR1JAK invites suggestions for amateur radio use of the payload over other regions as well.
In regards to questions of possible activation at night he explained, "This is entirely possible, but would have to be planned and managed more actively, given the power limitations in eclipse. We have yet to experiment with this and see what the available capacity would be.
Interested satellite operators are invited to e-mail responses to the AMSAT bulletin board, or if you prefer, to ZR1JAK's work address: jak "at" sunspace "dot" co "dot" za.
[ANS thanks Jan-Albert, ZR1JAK for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office. And with that, consider what sound does a space turkey make? Hubble, hubble, hubble, of course.
73, This week's ANS Editor, JoAnne Maenpaa, K9JKM K9JKM at amsat dot org
participants (1)
JoAnne Maenpaa