ANS-220 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: [email protected]
In this edition:
* 2010 AMSAT Space Symposium Timeline * Get Those Symposium Papers Rolling Please! * Boy Scouts Celebrate Anniversary with ARISS Contact * Operational Notes From AO-51 Control Team * SumbandilaSat SO-67 South African Passes Planned for Testing * Taiwan University Announces Plans for Attitude Controlled CubeSat * AMSAT-UK Colloquium Videos Available * Satellite Shorts From All Over
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-220.01 2010 AMSAT Space Symposium Timeline
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 220.01
August 8, 2010 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-220.01
The 2010 Symposium Committee is at work regarding the details of The schedule. The details depend on the topics and quantity of the presentations still being worked on by the authors.
We will generally follow the timing framework of previous year's Symposiums which can be summarized as:
Thursday, October 7 AMSAT Board of Directors Meeting
Morning Friday, October 8 Symposium Registration Opens AMSAT Board of Directors Meeting continues Lunch
Friday, October 8 (1300) Registration continues Symposium Opening Remarks and Introductions First Round of Presentations until ~1700
Saturday, October 9 Registration continues Second Round of Presentations (0800 - 1000) AMSAT General Membership Meeting (1000 - 1200) Lunch Third Round of Presentations (1300 - 1700) Break Attitude Adjustment with Cash Bar and Gathering (~1800) AMSAT Annual Banquet and Speaker (~1900) Door Prize Drawing (~2100)
Sunday, October 10 Area Coordinators Field Ops Breakfast Fourth Round of Presentations (0800 - 1000) Symposium Closing Remarks Tour of FermiLab Tevatron (1200 - 1500 approx.)
The times listed are US Central Daylight Time (UTC - 5).
AMSAT's 2010 Symposium Committee looks forward to welcoming everyone to Chicago this October!
[ANS thanks the 2010 Symposium Committee for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-220.02 Get Those Symposium Papers Rolling Please!
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 220.02
August 8, 2010 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-220.02
August is rolling on and the September 1 deadline of the call for papers for the 2010 AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual Meeting is approaching faster than ever! So far 7 abstracts and two completed papers have arrived - thank you. For everyone else - we need to get busier!
The abstract for your paper does not require any special format. Simply send an e-mail to the Proceedings Editor, K9JKM with the basic information: Author Name, Callsign, and a few sentences that describe your proposed topic. I'll be looking forward to receiving your abstracts in my in-box at [email protected].
These can be on any topic of interest to the amateur satellite community. We request a tentative title of your presentation as soon as possible, with final copy submitted by September 1, 2010 for inclusion in the printed proceedings.
To help you prepare your paper the Symposium Committee has posted an author's guide on the web page:
[ANS thanks the 2010 Symposium Committee for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-220.03 Boy Scouts Celebrate Anniversary with ARISS Contact
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 220.03
August 8, 2010 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-220.03
On Saturday, July 31, an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact was held with the 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree in Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia. Doug Wheelock, KF5BOC answer- ed 13 questions posed to him by the Scouts as approximately 800 others listened in.
Andrew Koenig, KE5GDB, who is Amateur Radio Newsline's 2009 Young Ham of the Year, initiated the biggest contact of the jamboree. Six Scouts representing Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, all got a chance to ask astronaut Wheelock a question, some relating to Scouting and the space program.
Prior to the contact, K2BSA Amateur Radio Association set up its radio station which thousands of Scouts toured. Some Scouts earned their Radio Merit Badges and amateur radio licenses as well. This year, the Jamboree celebrates 100 years of Scouting in the U.S., with attendees from all 50 states and other countries around the world. Forty-three thousand Scouts attended the National Jamboree.
K2BSA also operated on the satellites from the 2010 National Scout Jamboree amateur radio station. QSL cards for the 100th anniversary are available. Send your card, and SASE, to the K2BSA address.
[ANS thanks Carol, KB3LKI; Andrew Koenig, KE5GDB; and David Jordan, AA4KN for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-220.04 Operational Notes From AO-51 Control Team
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 220.04
August 8, 2010 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-220.04
After a brief outage aboard AO-51, AMSAT Vice-President of Operations, Drew KO4MA reported on Saturday, July 31 that the satellite had been restored to service. The 145.92/435.300 repeater was set to run with the 67 Hz tone required to activate the satellite. Power output was 740 mW.
On 5 August AO-51's operating mode was changed enable the 435.150 tele- metry transmitter at 340 mW. This was to provide a telemetry collection demonstration for a cubesat team.
During the demonstration the 435.300 voice transmitter continued to operate at about 470 mW with PL tone activation of the transmitter. At the conclusion of the demonstration the Control Team changed the mode back to the 145.92/435.300 repeater running about 750 mW with PL tone activation of the transmitter. The 435.150 transmitter was turned off.
Please use the webpage at or post reports via the amsat-bb. For some reason very few US stations use this. Please do as it is impossible for the AO-51 Control Team to listen to every pass.
Keep up with the latest AO-51 Control Team news on-line at:
[ANS thanks Drew, KO4MA and Mark, N8MH for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-220.05 SumbandilaSat SO-67 South African Passes Planned for Testing
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 220.05
August 8, 2010 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-220.05
SA AMSAT has announced that, after consultation with the CSIR Satellite Application Centre (SAC), more passes over South Africa will be scheduled.
During the week, these passes will be in the evening and on weekends during the day and on some evenings.
If you are scheduling a special event at a school, a special morning pass can be scheduled on request by sending an email to [email protected] at least 2 weeks prior to the event. More details about passes over other areas will be announced soon.
Hans, ZS6AKV, presented a paper at the AMSAT UK Satellite Colloquium on Sunday, August 1 which discussed how best to accommodate other parts of the world on SO-67. The SA AMSAT web page at invites satellite operators to, "Watch this space for the international schedule."
[ANS thanks SA AMSAT for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-220.06 Taiwan University Announces Plans for Attitude Controlled CubeSat
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 220.06
August 8, 2010 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-220.06
A team from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Cheng Kung Uni- versity in Taiwan has announced a 2X CubeSat development project named PACEsat, Platform for Attitude Control Experiment.
This cubesat will feature three-axis stabilization utilizing a mini- ature momentum wheel and magnetic coils. Attitude determination will use a three-axis magnetometer, a three-axis gyro, and coarse sun sen- sors. Temperature sensors will monitor the thermal environment inside the satellite.
Frequencies discussed in the satellite design documentation include 145 MHz is selected for uplink and downlink communication and 433 MHz CW/AX.25.
The satellite was designed for a 600km near-circular orbit with a 98 degree inclination. Mission lifetime is planned to be 2 months. A stable attitude determination and attitude control system is a pre- requisite for future CubeSat missions which will include propulsion systems to attain higher orbits.
Technical details can be found on-line at:
[ANS thanks the PACEsat team for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-220.07 AMSAT-UK Colloquium Videos Available
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 220.07
August 8, 2010 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-220.07
Videos of the presentations given at the 25th AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium are now available on the web. You can view and down- load them at: Click on the 'Film Archive' icon and then select an 2010 AMSAT video from the pulldown menu on the left.
The Colloquium schedule can be seen at:
AMSAT-UK publishes a colour A4 newsletter, OSCAR News, which is full of Amateur Satellite information. Join online at:
"Getting started on Amateur Radio Satellites" PDF file is available at:
[ANS thanks Trevor, M5AKA for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-220.08 Satellite Shorts From All Over
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 220.08
August 8, 2010 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-220.08
+ AMSAT received the sad news that John, NO5X has become a silent key. (via AA5JG)
+ AMSAT-NA Corporate Secretary Alan Biddle, WA4SCA reminds members that biographies and ballot for the 4 candidates for the AMSAT Board of Directors went out on July 15th. In order to be counted, your ballot must be RECEIVED at the AMSAT office by the close of business on September 15th.
+ Congratulations to John, W6ZKH on receiving the ARRL W.A.S. Satel- lite Award #320.
+ Videos from this weekends CubeSat workshop are at: (via M5AKA)
+ A video showing an Amateur Radio Satellite demonstration to members of the South Dublin Radio Club EI2SDR can be viewed on-line at: A YouTube video features Amateur Radio operators in contact with Doug Wheelock KF5BOC on the International Space Station using the call NA1SS on 145.800 MHz FM can be viewed at:
+ Watch for a new feature in the AMSAT Journal. Keith Baker KB1SF/VA3KSF will begin a column called, "Getting Started in Amateur Satellites".
+ The Mid-Atlantic States VHF Conference will be on Saturday, Sept 25. Register at K1DS & KB1JEY will host a Beginner's Session - a One Day Conference for experts and beginners alike hosted by the Mt Airy VHF RC Club.
+ John K8YSE reports he has hit the road and is heading toward his satellite grid expedition around Lake Superior.
+ The Echoes of Apollo team says plans are being worked on for a big, coordinated, world wide EME (Moon Bounce) event for Yuri's Night, on or about April 12, 2011. The 2010 event featured Arecibo being activated on EME. They hope to bring a lot of big dishes on board.
[ANS thanks everyone for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office. And with that, please keep in mind the hams who wondered what the attractive young lady carrying batteries at the beach was up to. Eventually they figured out that she sold C Cells by the seashore, of course.
73, This week's ANS Editor, JoAnne Maenpaa, K9JKM K9JKM at amsat dot org
participants (1)
JoAnne Maenpaa