ANS-141 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT NEWS SERVICE ANS-141 The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor- mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at
In this edition:
* AMSAT Forum Streamed Live at Hamvention 2017 * AMSAT-NA to Assume Control of FalconSat-3 Soon * CQ Hall of Fame List - ARISS and AMSAT * AMSAT-DL Announces Launch Date for Es’hail-2 With the P4-A GEO Rideshare * AMSAT-SA Space Symposium 27 May * Work the AMSAT Hamvention Demo Station! * QB50 ISS CubeSat Deployments May 23-25 * AMSAT Events
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-141.01 ANS-141 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 141.01
DATE May 21, 2017 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-141.01
AMSAT Forum Streamed Live at Hamvention 2017
The DARA/Hamvention went totally digital and Live Streamed the AMSAT Forum. A copy of the forum may be viewed here:
Search either DARALIVE or AMSAT.
"AMSAT Status Report" Barry Baines, WD4ASW, AMSAT-NA President, highlighted recent activities within AMSAT and discussed some of the challenges, accomplishments, projects, and late breaking news.
"AMSAT Engineering Program" Jerry Buxton, N0JY, AMSAT-NA Vice President Engineering , spoke about the exciting new engineering developments that the ASCENT Program is working on as well as the latest updates on the Fox-1 project CubeSats.
"AMSAT Satellite Operations" Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, AMSAT-NA Vice President Operations , surveyed the current operational amateur satellites, as well as what's planned for launch in the next year.
"NxtGen Crystal Radio” Joe Spier, K6WAO, AMSAT-NA Vice President Educational Relations , discussed the development of the NxtGen Crystal Radio, an educational ground station for classrooms to be used to teach Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).
"ARISS Report 2017" Tim Bosma, W6MU, standing in for Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, AMSAT-NA Vice President for Human Spaceflight, discussed the 20th Anniversary of ARISS, ARISS engineering developments & operation on the International Space Station.
Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, AMSAT-NA Vice President for Human Spaceflight has been awarded Amateur of the Year.
[ANS thanks 2017 AMSAT Hamvention Team for the above information]
AMSAT-NA to Assume Control of FalconSat-3 Soon
US Air Force Academy satellite was launched in 2007 on Atlas 5 to 560 km, 35.4 degrees orbit, and now is at 468-481km orbit, which is several years before decay. The Satellite operates as an amateur V/u store and forward Pacsat at 9k6 (or faster) and will sustain 1w operation. The AMSAT command team is preparing to assume control once the final agreements are completed. FalconSat-3 is in a low inclination orbit presenting opportunities for equatorial and tropical stations. More details soon.
[ANS thanks Drew Glasbrenner, KO4MA, AMSAT-NA Vice-President, Operations for the above information]
CQ Hall of Fame List - ARISS and AMSAT
CQ NEWS RELEASE (Announcing: 2017 Inductees, CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame) (Xenia, Ohio - May 19, 2017) - The CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame has 18 new members for 2017, CQ magazine announced today. This brings to 310 the total number of members inducted since the hall's establishment in 2001.
The CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame honors those individuals, whether licensed hams or not, who have made significant contributions to amateur radio; and those amateurs who have made significant contributions either to amateur radio, to their professional careers or to some other aspect of life on our planet.
The 2017 inductees (listed alphabetically) are:
* King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand, HS1A (SK) * John Brosnahan, W0UN (SK) - President of Alpha Power, NOAA physicist and instrumental in design and construction of the HAARP facility in Alaska. * Garrett Brown, W3AFF - Inventor of the Steadicam, which earned him both Oscar and Emmy awards for filmmaking technology * Britton Chance, W2IBK (SK) - Pioneer in magnetic imaging; MIT professor, team leader in MIT Radiation Lab developing WWII radar; * John Crockett, W3KH - Repeater coordination pioneer; developed Southeastern Repeater Assn (SERA) Universal Coordination System; managed SCHEART system of linked repeaters in hospitals; VP Engineering for SC Educational TV network * Julius T. Freeman, KB2OFY (SK) - Tuskegee Airman and Congressional Gold Medal recipient; frequent speaker at schools and civic organizations * Limor Fried, AC2SN - Founder of Adafruit Industries, major supplier of open-source electronics to the Maker community; honored by President Obama in 2016 as a "Champion of Change" and by the Internet of Things Institute as one of the 25 most influential women in the IoT industry * Robin Haighton, VE3FRH (SK) - Founding member of Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS), former president of AMSAT-NA * David Honess, M6DNT - Developed AstroPi project, which sent two Raspberry Pi computers to the International Space Station as plat- forms for students on Earth to write and run their own computer code in space; honored for this work with the Sir Arthur Clarke Award, presented by the Arthur C. Clarke Foundation and the British Interplanetary Society * Pete Kemp, KZ1Z (SK) - Author and educator, directly responsible for licensing over 700 new hams * Kristen McIntyre, K6WX - Apple software engineer and inventor (her name is on 22 granted or pending patents), promoter of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects for girls through various talks and YouTube presentations * Pat McPherson, WW9E (SK) - Founder and longtime coordinator of SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) * Andy Nguyen, VK3YT - Pico-ballooner, pioneered round-the-world microballoon flights carrying amateur radio * Tim Peake, KG5BVI - UK astronaut very active in ARISS program during time on International Space Station; coordinated ISS end of the AstroPi project (see David Honess, above) * Mike Santana, WB6TEB (SK) - Two-way radio engineer, designed Clegg FM-76 220-MHz transceiver and President line of CB rigs, favorites for conversion to 10 meters * Allan Steinfeld, W2TN, ex-KL7HIR (SK) - Longtime Race Director of the New York City Marathon, considered one of the fathers of the modern running movement * Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR - Pioneer of software defined radio (SDR) and founder of FlexRadio
Two new members each are also being inducted into the CQ DX and Contest Halls of Fame at the respective Dayton DX and Contest dinners. Their names will be announced separately.
[ANS thanks CQ Hall of Fame for the above information]
AMSAT-DL Announces Launch Date for Es’hail-2 With the P4-A GEO Rideshare
According to the Es'hailSat corporate website, the launch of P4-A / Es'hail-2 is now scheduled for 2018.
Further information will be announced when available. Meanwhile AMSAT-DL is preparation the ground-station equipment which will be installed at the Es'hailSat Satellite Control Center in Qatar, at QARS HQ in Doha and at AMSAT-DL HQ in Bochum.
Es’hail-2 details are published on their web page:
Es’hail-2 will also provide the first Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) geostationary communication capability that connects users across the visible globe in one single hop and in real-time.
It will allow also the AMSAT community to validate and demonstrate their DVB standard.
[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL and Es’hail-2 for the above information]
AMSAT-SA Space Symposium 27 May
The AMSAT-SA Space symposium on 27 May 2017 promises to be one of the most exciting events on this year's calendar. Learn how you can operate on the new geostationary satellite to be launched later this year giving South Africans 24-hour communication with a simple put together ground station. Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP, has done the work and will share it with you. Denel Spaceteq will share details about their work on the EO-Sat1 satellite being built for SANSA to become part of the African earth observation satellite network. Anton Janovsky will show you and demonstrate how to build a SDR with a Raspberry Pi. Find out how the Kletskous project has progressed including a demonstration of the transponder and other sub-systems plus many more interesting discussions and demonstrations.
There are awesome attendance prizes to be won including two Pi Top laptops, 2 Raspberry Pi starter kits and 2 Raspberry Pi dummy kits, a MFJ artificial ground and a MFJ world receiver. Full program and registration details are available on or request details by sending an e-mail to [email protected]
[ANS thanks the SARL weekly news in English for the above information]
Work the AMSAT Hamvention Demo Station!
As previously announced, AMSAT will have it's traditional presence at Hamvention this year, including a satellite demo station. This year, the demo station will operate under the AMSAT club callsign W3ZM/8.
We intend to be on all passes of voice satellites between 12:00 UTC and 21:00 UTC on Friday, May 19th and Saturday, May 20th and between 12:00 UTC and 16:00 UTC on Sunday, May 21st. We may also try the NO-84 and ISS packet digipeaters using a Kenwood TH-D7A(G) HT. The callsign for packet will be just W3ZM. Please call us using APRS messages on packet. Hamvention is located in the six digit gridsquare is EM89aq.
As a reward for working the AMSAT demo station during the first Hamvention at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Xenia, Ohio, individuals working us will receive a digital certificate upon request. Please email [email protected] with your QSO details to receive a certificate.
[ANS thanks Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT-NA Secretary for the above information]
QB50 ISS CubeSat Deployments May 23-25
The second phase of QB50 CubeSats should be deployed from the International Space Station over three days from May 23-25, 2017.
Built by university students and research organisations from 23 c ountries around the world, the QB50 constellation aims to study the lower thermosphere 200-380 km above the Earth.
11 QB50 CubeSats were deployed in the first phase and a further 17 will be deployed in the second phase. The beacons should be activated about 30 minutes after deployment.
The QB50 CubeSats have downlinks between 435.7 and 438 MHz and reports from radio amateurs are most welcome. Beacon data received can be uploaded to a dedicated QB50 webpage at
LilacSat-2 (ON02CN), which deploys at 0815 GMT on Tuesday, May 23, is carrying a FM to Codec2-BPSK Digital Voice transponder, an APRS digipeater and camera. Further information at
Two of the ISS QB50 CubeSats deployed in the first phase, ON01FR 437.020 MHz and ON05FR 436.880 MHz, carry V/U FM transponders. The uplink frequency for both is 145.860 MHz with 210.7 Hz CTCSS, see telemesures-des-satellites-on01fr-on05fr/
List of QB50 CubeSats with Beacon format and frequency information
Keplerian Two Line Elements (TLEs) ‘Keps’ for new satellites launched in past 30 days
QB50 project Twitter:
On the deployment days radio amateurs and QB50 teams will be on the #CubeSat IRC channel. Join the deployment chat at
Don’t have a suitable 435-438 MHz receiver? Try listening online with the SUWS WebSDR located near London
On June 19, 2014 two precursor QB50 CubeSats were launched, QB50p1 and QB50p2, which carried amateur radio transponders
[ANS thanks AMSAT-UK for the above information]
AMSAT Events
Information about AMSAT activities at other important events around the country. Examples of these events are radio club meetings where AMSAT Area Coordinators give presentations, demonstrations of working amateur satellites, and hamfests with an AMSAT presence (a table with AMSAT literature and merchandise, sometimes also with presentations, forums, and/or demonstrations).
*21 May 2017, HamVention in the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center, Dayton, Ohio
*Friday and Saturday, 9-10 June 2017, HAM-COM in Irving TX
*Saturday, 10 June 2017 – Prescott Hamfest in Prescott AZ
*Tuesday, 20 June 2017 – presentation for Superstition Amateur Radio Club in Mesa AZ
[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi- tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu- dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.
73, This week's ANS Editor at Hamvention 2017, Joe Spier, K6WAO k6wao at amsat dot org
participants (1)
Joe Spier