ANS-099 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT NEWS SERVICE ANS-099 The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor- mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at
In this edition:
* AMSAT March/April 2017 Apogee View Published on * AMSAT Orbital Data Request to Re-Distribute KEPs Approved 2017-2018 * March/April AMSAT Journal Sent to Printer * Satellite DX Opportunity 09 April Yuru Gagarin Cup Contest * New Hardware and Software Release for HamTV Reception from ISS * K6G in DM02 * Announcement of the 9th European CubeSat Symposium, 11/29-12/01, 2017 * VUCC Awards/Endorsements for March 2017 * Amateur Radio on the International Space Station Contact Opportunity Closes April 15 * AMSAT Events * ARISS News * Satellite Shorts from All Over
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-099.01 ANS-099 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 099.01
DATE April 9, 2017 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-099.01
AMSAT March/April 2017 Apogee View Published on
The March/April 2017 edition of Apogee View, a comprehensive bimonthly update of AMSAT's activities written by AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW, is now available on the AMSAT website at
Topics covered in this edition include: -Fox-1Cliff/Fox-1D News -Hamvention -Strategic Planning
[ANS thanks Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Secretary for the above information]
AMSAT Orbital Data Request to Re-Distribute KEPs Approved 2017-2018
I am pleased to announce that AMSAT's request to re-distribute AFSPC Keplerian elements from SpaceTrack has been approved for the period April 1, 2017 to April 1, 2018. Our USSTRATCOM ODR (Orbital Data Request) to distribute the KEPs was approved on April 4, 2017.
Thanks to AFSPC, Perry Klein, W3PK and Joe Fitzgerald, KM1P for their help in this process.
AMSAT Keps updates are "good to go" for another year.
[ANS thanks Ray Hoad, WA5QGD, AMSAT Orbital Elements Manager for the above information]
March/April AMSAT Journal Sent to Printer
The March/April 2017 issue of The AMSAT Journal has been sent to the printer and should begin arriving in members' mailboxes shortly.
In this issue:
*AMSAT Announcement
*Apogee View Barry Baines, WD4ASW
*Engineering Update Jerry Buxton, N0JY
*Designing and Operating a Portable Satellite Station in an Urban Environment Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
*Adaptive Coding and Modulation for Phase 4 Ground Michelle Thompson, W5NYV
*Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, Named 2017 Dayton Hamvention Amateur of the Year
*Field Day 2017 Bruce Paige, KK5DO
*Designing a Ground Station for P4 and P5 Satellites John P. Toscano, W0JT/5
*Building a Microwave Transceiver: The Path to My Own Five-and-Dime Ground Station Jonathan Brandenburg, KF5IDY
*QSL Delta Mike Three Four Faith Hannah Lea, PJ6/AE4FH
*DIY Arduino Based Satellite Tracking Pointer Jonathan Stockman, KC2THY
*On the Grids: Churchill MB EO23 Melvin C. Vye, W8MV
[ANS thanks Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, AMSAT Secretary for the above information]
Satellite DX Oportunity 09 April Yuru Gagarin Cup Contest
The contest is dedicated to the memory of Yuri Gagarin, who realized the first human flight to space, on April 12, 1961.
1. Date: from 21.00 UTC on April 08th till 21.00 UTC on April 09th, 2017. Stations of categories A, B, D, E and F may operate 20 of the 24 hours. Off times must be a minimum of 60 minutes during which no QSO is logged. 2. Bands: 1.8, 3.5, 7.0, 14, 21, 28 MHz and radio amateur satellites. 3. Modes: CW only. 4. Contest Call: <CQ GC> (CQ Gagarin Cup). 5. Categories: A Single operator - Single band. B Single operator - Multi bands. C Multi operators - Multi bands, single transmitter. D SWL - Multi bands. E Single operator - Multi bands, Low power. F Single operator - Single band, Low power. SAT Single operator - satellite QSOs. S Special stations: callsign with ..56GC. During the contest: All multi-band categories may also utilize radio amateur satellites. These QSOs are counted as an additional band. Categorie C must remain on the same band for at least 5 minutes after the first QSO has been made. Categories A, B, C, E and F can make only one QSO with the same station on that band. The participants of A and F groups can make QSO outside of offset on other bands. Radiostations of group C and S are authorized simultaneous QSO through satellites. 6. Exchange: RST and ITU zone number. 7. QSO points: QSO with own <P-150-C> country count 2 points. QSO with a different <P-150-C> country in the same continent - 3 points. QSO with a different continent - 4 points. Satellite`s QSO - 100 poins. QSO points on: 1.8 MHz and 3.5MHz multiplied by 3; 7 MHz - 2; 14, 21 and 28 MHz - 1. For SWL: Complete logging of one station only the callsign of the second station count 1 point. Complete logging of both sides of a QSO - 3 points. The same callsign may be logged only 1 time on each band. 8. Multipliers: each different ITU zone, QSO with special stations (..55GC) worked on each band gives 1 point for multiplier. SWLs have no multipliers. 9. Final score: The total number of QSO points on all bands times the total number of multipliers worked on all bands. 10. Awards: The Special trophy will be awarded to the winner in the B, C, E & S categories. Different kind of medals will be awarded to the world's top three scoring stations in the A, B, C, E, SAT and S categories. Certificates will be awarded to top three and each country's winner in each category. Certificates will be awarded to all the Contest participants who log not less than 250 QSOs or 250 SWLs. 11. Logs: Electronic logs are to be sent via e-mail as the enclosure to the letter. File format - text of the operator's contest program but Cabrillo format will be much appreciated. In the field "subject" of your e-mail letter it is necessary to mention your callsign and category (for example - ra3aaa B). In the text of the letter it is necessary to show your final score calculation, rig and antennas data, as well as your comments and wishes. E-mail address: gc17(at)bk(dot)ru Upload contest log: The final date of logs sending - May 09, 2017. The results of <Gagarin Cup> are to the and
**** ***** ** ********** **** ************* *** ****** ************* QSO: 21010 CW 2004-03-20 1200 UA8AA 599 33 RL3A 599 29 QSO: 144 CW 2004-03-20 1210 UA8AA 599 33 RL3A 599 29
A. Single Op - Single Band
START-OF-LOG: 3.0 CONTEST: GC CALLSIGN: UA8AA (???????? ???????) CATEGORY-OPERATOR: SINGLE-OP CATEGORY-BAND: 15M CATEGORY-POWER: HIGH LOCATION: 29 CLUB: ABCC CREATED-BY: Soft v1.0 EMAIL: [email protected] NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: OPERATORS: UA8AA OFFTIME: 2013-04-13 2100 2013-04-13 2159 OFFTIME: 2013-04-14 1800 2013-04-14 2059 SOAPBOX: TNX 73 QSO: 21010 CW 2004-03-20 1200 UA8AA 599 33 RL3A 599 29 END-OF-LOG:
B. Single Op - Multi Band
START-OF-LOG: 3.0 CONTEST: GC CALLSIGN: UA8AA CATEGORY-OPERATOR: SINGLE-OP CATEGORY-BAND: ALL CATEGORY-POWER: HIGH LOCATION: 29 CLUB: ABCC CREATED-BY: Soft v1.0 EMAIL: [email protected] NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: OPERATORS: UA8AA OFFTIME: 2013-04-13 2100 2013-04-13 2159 OFFTIME: 2013-04-14 1800 2013-04-14 2059 SOAPBOX: TNX 73 QSO: 21010 CW 2004-03-20 1200 UA8AA 599 33 RL3A 599 29 END-OF-LOG:
C. Multi Op - Multi Band
Satelites QSO
VO-52 - 432, FO-29 - 144.
QSO: 144 CW 2012-04-15 1045 XX9X 599 31 YY9Y 599 34 QSO: 432 CW 2012-04-15 1045 XX9X 599 31 YY9Y 599 34
[ANS thanks Kerry LaDuke, and the GC Committee for the above information]
New Hardware and Software Release for HamTV Reception from ISS
On board the ISS Columbus module, the HamVideo transmitter is fully operational and provides permanent DATV signals, allowing ground stations to fine tune their receiving equipment.
When possible, ARISS school contacts are enhanced by crew operated HamTV.
The demand for a dedicated HamTV receiver is growing. Jean-Pierre Courjaud F6DZP developed an up-to-date receiver and wrote special software for HamTV. He dubbed the receiver TuTiouner and the software. Tutioune (phonetic French transcript for “You tune”).
Components for the TuTioune receiver are for sale at the BATC shop (British Amateur Television Club). See:
The software is available for free at:
Full details, including schematics, are provided on the HamTV home page:
Occasionally, the HamVideo transmitter must be powered down, for several reasons. The status of the transmitter is published on the webpage.
[ANS thanks Gaston Bertels, ON4WF, and ARISS-Europe for the above information]
K6G in DM02
It is a pleasure to announce a real activation of the much sought after Delta Mike Zero Two. There seems to have been only two passes worked from here in the last 11 years, that is about to change.
Activations of rare grids should be done with enough preparation to avoid missed passes. That said, I've invited two other ops to help assure our success and maximize linear transponder passes. Our special guests will be none other than Wyatt AC0RA and Gabe NJ7H. I am more than confident in their rover skill levels and ability to maintain a functional station. They have also proven to be capable of working through unforeseen equipment troubles.
Typical precautions apply. If you have linear capabilities please work us on the transponders. Our FM only friends deserve a chance at scoring a rare grid and tying up the bird helps nobody. On linear please be cognizant of your power level. I know at least two of us will be using our regular portable stations that are 5 watts max, QRO stations on the transponder will make us difficult to hear. Also, please be aware of the footprint for other ops. Nothing good comes from a left coast station getting in the middle of us trying to work the right coast.
All QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW as promptly as possible and paper will be sent to shore via torpedo.
Last but not least, when is it going to happen? Due to various environmental aspects, firm departure and arrival times are not set in stone. However, we can say that it will be the weekend of April 28th. When you hear K6G you will know that 02 will be on. We will have plenty of time to work many passes and none of us are afraid to work any pass no matter how shallow it may be. I may continue normal ops leading up to departure to ensure my station performs as expected.
[ANS thanks Mike Diehl, AI6GS for the above information]
Announcement of the 9th European CubeSat Symposium, 11/29-12/01, 2017
This year the 9th European CubeSat Symposium will take place in Belgium on November 29th-December 1st 2017 in co-location (same time, same place) with the European Space Weather Week.
During the European Space Weather Week, the whole Space Weather community gathers to discuss new discoveries on space weather and space climate. This is the perfect occasion to foster the evolution of the CubeSats reality from a "University tool" to a "Science tool".
As usual, we have tried to organize this Symposium giving importance to the most relevant topics in the CubeSat world, from Technology Demonstrators and Scientific Missions to the Future Technologies and the Space Exploration with CubeSats.
In detail, the Symposium is covering the following topics: - Novel Scientific Instruments/Sensors on CubeSats - Propulsion Subsystems - Attitude Determination and Control Subsystems - Telecommunications, Ground Stations and Ground Station Networks - Orbital Dynamics (e.g. de-orbiting and debris mitigation) - CubeSat Constellations - Scientific Missions - Technology Demonstration on CubeSats (e.g. formation flying, intersatellite link, sails, tethers, etc) - Space Exploration Missions with CubeSat (i.e. beyond Earth orbit) - Launchers and Deployers for CubeSats - Future Technologies on CubeSats - CubeSat Flight Experience and Lessons Learned
Renowned speakers from NASA and ESA will give talks on their perspectives on past and future development of CubeSats. Moreover, a special session of the Symposium is dedicated to the outcome of the QB50 mission (lessons learned and first scientific results).
If you are interested in contributing to this event, please submit your abstract before June 26th 2017. Registrations and abstract submission are open. For more information on the venue, registration, deadlines, abstract guidelines, sponsorship and exhibitors, please visit the symposium website
As in the previous years the Symposium is open to the entire CubeSat community, so please feel free to disseminate this information further.
[ANS thanks Dr. David Masutti and the Organizing Committee for the above information]
VUCC Awards/Endorsements for March 2017
Here are the endorsements and new VUCC Satellite Awards issued by the ARRL for the period March 1, 2017 through March 30, 2017. There was no update on March 31st. Congratulations to all those who made the list this month!
CALL GRIDS KO4MA 1510 W5PFG 990 N8HM 862 NP4JV 552 N6UK 372 KK4FEM 327 K5ND 225 AI6GS 175 NS3L 175 NJ7H 125 VE7CEW 103 (New VUCC)
This list was developed by comparing the ARRL .pdf listings for March 1st and March 30th. It's a visual comparison so omissions are possible. Apologies if your call was not mentioned. Thanks to all those who are roving to grids that are rarely on the birds. They are doing most of the work!
[ANS thanks John, K8YSE for the above information]
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station Contact Opportunity Closes April 15
Message to US Educators Amateur Radio on the International Space Station Contact Opportunity
Call for Proposals Proposal Window Closes April 15, 2017
The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Program is seeking formal and informal education institutions and organizations, individually or working together, to host an Amateur Radio contact with a crew member on board the ISS. ARISS anticipates that the contact would be held between January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2018. Crew scheduling and ISS orbits will determine the exact contact dates. To maximize these radio contact opportunities, ARISS is looking for organizations that will draw large numbers of participants and integrate the contact into a well-developed education plan.
The deadline to submit a proposal is April 15, 2017. Proposal information and documents can be found at
The Opportunity Crew members aboard the International Space Station will participate in scheduled Amateur Radio contacts. These radio contacts are approximately 10 minutes in length and allow students to interact with the astronauts through a question-and-answer session.
An ARISS contact is a voice-only communication opportunity via Amateur Radio between astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the space station and classrooms and communities. ARISS contacts afford education audiences the opportunity to learn firsthand from astronauts what it is like to live and work in space and to learn about space research conducted on the ISS. Students also will have an opportunity to learn about satellite communication, wireless technology, and radio science. Because of the nature of human spaceflight and the complexity of scheduling activities aboard the ISS, organizations must demonstrate flexibility to accommodate changes in dates and times of the radio contact.
Amateur Radio organizations around the world, NASA, and space agencies in Russia, Canada, Japan and Europe sponsor this educational opportunity by providing the equipment and operational support to enable direct communication between crew on the ISS and students around the world via Amateur Radio. In the US, the program is managed by AMSAT (Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation) and ARRL (American Radio Relay League) in partnership with NASA and CASIS (Center for the Advancement of Science in Space).
More Information Interested parties can find more information about the program at and
For proposal information and more details such as expectations, proposal guidelines and proposal form, and dates and times of Information Sessions go to Please direct any questions to [email protected].
[ANS thanks ARISS-NA for the above information]
AMSAT Events
Information about AMSAT activities at other important events around the country. Examples of these events are radio club meetings where AMSAT Area Coordinators give presentations, demonstrations of working amateur satellites, and hamfests with an AMSAT presence (a table with AMSAT literature and merchandise, sometimes also with presentations, forums, and/or demonstrations).
*Saturday, 6 May 2017 – Cochise Amateur Radio Association hamfest in Sierra Vista AZ
*19-21 May 2017, HamVention in the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center, Dayton, Ohio
*Friday and Saturday, 9-10 June 2017, HAM-COM in Irving TX
*Saturday, 10 June 2017 – Prescott Hamfest in Prescott AZ
[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA for the above information]
Successful Contacts
* A telebridge contact via LU1CGB with students from the Brahma Kumaris Educational Society, Rajasthan, India was unsuccessful Mon. 2017-04-03 08:19:38 UTC 53 deg. ARISS is rescheduling the contact.
* A direct contact with students at Tolyatti, Russia School was successful 2017-04-01 17:09 UTC with astronaut Sergey Ryzhikov.
* A telebridge contact via IK1SLD with individuals from the Council of State Science Supervisors, Los Angeles, CA, was successful Wed. 2017-03-29 18:03:38 UTC 21 deg. with Astronaut Shane Kimbrough KE5HOD.
* A telebridge contact via W6SRJ with students at “School of Trois Paletuviers”, Saint-Georges de l'Oyapock, French Guyana, was successful Thu 2017-03-23 12:42:26 UTC 61 deg.
Upcoming Contacts
* College Roger Martin Du Gard, Bellême, France, direct via F6KCO The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be FXØISS The scheduled astronaut is Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG Contact is a go for: Fri 2017-04-14 15:20:44 UTC 48 deg
Roger Martin du Gard is a middle school in Bellême, France. Located in Normandy, in the heart of the regional natural park of le Perche, this village of approximately two thousand inhabitants sits on a hill dominating the Perche area.
Roger Martin du Gard was constructed in the 1970s and was totally rebuilt on the same location in 1994. It got its name from Literature Nobel Prize, Roger Martin du Gard, a writer who lived the last part of his life nearby, in Le Château du Tertre. The number of students has been stable for the past four years, with about three hundred children in twelve different classes (3 in each level, from grades 7 through 10). It welcomes students from age 11 to 15.
This school project, ARISS, aims at having the students succeed in their different education paths. The ARISS project is the one opportunity to show the students that being in a rural area does not limit their possibilities and their capacities to do things. It is a way to help them find a possible future in such an important field. Complementing their physics program, it also offers a magical moment to all the students in the school, while showing that working serves a real motivation.
* A direct contact via W6SRJ with students at Brook Haven School in Sebastipol, CA is being planned for the week of April 17. More details will follow.
ARISS is always glad to receive listener reports for the above contacts. ARISS thanks everyone in advance for their assistance. Feel free to send your reports to [email protected] or [email protected].
Listen for the ISS on the downlink of 145.8Ø MHz.
All ARISS contacts are made via the Kenwood radio unless otherwise noted.
Several of you have sent me emails asking about the RAC ARISS website and not being able to get in. That has now been changed to
Note that there are links to other ARISS websites from this site.
Looking for something new to do? How about receiving DATV from the ISS?
If interested, then please go to the ARISS-EU website for complete details. Look for the buttons indicating Ham Video.
If you need some assistance, ARISS mentor Kerry N6IZW, might be able to provide some insight. Contact Kerry at [email protected]
ARISS congratulations the following mentors who have now mentored over 100 schools:
Satoshi 7M3TJZ with 123 Gaston ON4WF with 123 Francesco IKØWGF with 119
The webpages listed below were all reviewed for accuracy. Out of date webpages were removed and new ones have been added. If there are additional ARISS websites I need to know about, please let me know.
Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed time. All dates and times listed follow International Standard ISO 8601 date and time format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
The complete schedule page has been updated as of 2017-04-06 07:00 UTC.
Here you will find a listing of all scheduled school contacts, and questions, other ISS related websites, IRLP and Echolink websites, and instructions for any contact that may be streamed live.
Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school events is 1129. Each school counts as 1 event. Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 1090. Each contact may have multiple schools sharing the same time slot. Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 47.
A complete year by year breakdown of the contacts may be found in the file.
Please feel free to contact me if more detailed statistics are needed.
The following US states and entities have never had an ARISS contact: Arkansas, Delaware, South Dakota, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas Islands, and the Virgin Islands.
QSL information may be found at:
The successful school list has been updated as of 2017-04-04 06:00 UTC.
Frequency chart for packet, voice, and crossband repeater modes showing Doppler correction as of 2005-07-29 04:00 UTC correction.rtf
Listing of ARISS related magazine articles as of 2006-07-10 03:30 UTC.
Check out the Zoho reports of the ARISS contacts **********************************************************************
Exp. 49 on orbit Shane Kimbrough KE5HOD Andrei Borisenko Sergey Ryzhikov
Exp. 50 on orbit Peggy Whitson Thomas Pesquet KG5FYG Oleg Novitskiy
Watch for information about upcoming contacts as they are scheduled.
[ANS thanks ARISS and Charlie, AJ9N for the above information]
Satellite Shorts from All Over online again
Site had been recovered and is online again.
Web available at
Satellite Passes at SAm Satellite logs Lusex Logs at Latest Keplerians WSPR PicoBalloon Calculations at QSL Factory at
In Spanish: ENACOM Ham exams Amsat-LU Balloons Balloon tracking LUSAT web site Local Weather Sats South Am. Sat Award Users upload area
[ANS thanks LU7AA, AMSAT Argentina for the above information]
VP2E Anguilla Island Satellite Activation
VP2E, ANGUILLA. Ira, KD4SLM, is now active as VP2EIH from "The Valley". The length of his stay is not known at this time. He was heard on the satellites which is rare from VP2E-land. Ira informed OPDX that he is "currently working on getting the Satellite station up and running" and "has been testing using a dis-cone omni-directional for both uplink & downlink". He states, "This isn't the best setup." Ira adds, "I'm also on HF and not a big DX or Contester . I'm available as Net control Fri 0600-0700 on 7.188 -- 'The friendly Net'. Sometimes I take up the 1830-1900 Thursday, Caribbean Wx net 3.815 MHz." His rig is a Yaesu FT-857 with 100 watts using a Off Center Fed home brewed wire antenna. The N.E leg is 40 ft. sloping down to center 30 ft. and S. Leg is 15 ft. into a nearby tree. He is also using MFJ tuner. QSL via his home callsign.
[ANS thanks Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1311 for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu- dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.
73, This week's ANS Editor, Joe Spier, K6WAO k6wao at amsat dot org
participants (1)
Joe Spier