I do not know how you can be concerned with storage temperatures
of -60°C when you have just soldered a PCB with temperatures of from two to a a
few hundred degrees! It seems to me that the stress of soldering would vastly
exceed those of a low storage temperature. The thermal excursions of soldering
considerably exceed those of the storage situation.
Dick Jansson, KD1K
[email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Juan
Sent: Saturday, 28 July, 2007 05.23
To: 'John B. Stephensen'
Cc: David Smith; Dave Black (Work); Dave Black (Home); [email protected];
Samsonoff@Mac. Com; Juan.Rivera (Work)
Subject: [eagle] Receiver Spec vs. ATP, a few Suggestions and a Question
or Two
I also take issue with the -60C minimum power-down
temperature. I think this is unrealistic just from a CTE mismatch
perspective. The reliability of anything subjected to that wide a
temperature spread is going to suffer. A way must be found to raise that
Juan – WA6HTP