Drew, KO4MA, forwared your note to the AMSAT Eagle
Thank you for sharing with AMSAT your group's
vision for use of the 3.3 GHz band.
I do not speak officially for AMSAT but can provide
some factual information about the band.
1. The ITU Amateur Satellite Service
allocation is 3400 to 3410 MHz. So, only that segment of the
band can be used for satellites. Therfore, anything AMSAT would do in
that band, would have to be in that segment.
2. Although it has nothing to do with AMSAT, I wish
to inform you that the weak signal people use the segment around 3456
MHz. Since weak signal work requires a low noise floor, it would be
well to keep broad band digital work away from that area. Just as an
aside, I note that I am active on that band and have worked well over 1,000
miles with only 8 Watts. In fact I hold one end of the
North American record for 3.3 GHz having worked a station in Florida from the
Texas Hill Country northwest of San Antonio. So, the band can do
great things when conditions are right.
It is not possible to comment on your "band
plan" as you did not provide a key for what the various colors stand for.
Please provide that information so that I, or others from
AMSAT, can respond to your question.
I wish you good luck on your project. We need
more activity on all of our microwave bands.
Bill Tynan, W3XO/5