Hello Howard!
Under AOB last night I raised a question regarding there apparently being no analog transponder on board as far as I can see in recent documentation.
I was of the impression that a parallel analog transponder would be flying as well as the SDX.
I am concerned that as this was a hot issue several months ago, I would respectfully request that we clarify the situation at the next meeting prior to the Symposium.
Sorry I had to leave the meeting early last night.
The analog transponder package(s) for Eagle were decided to be based on SDX technology at the meeting in Pittsburgh in Oct 2005. The overall architecture - including preliminary wiring harness design - was then drawn up at a subsequent meeting in Colorado Springs later that same month.
It is all part of our transition from reaction to AO-40 (we will do everything using low-risk, proven technology and have no propulsion system) to a satellite for the future, using lessons from AO-40 without being haunted by its ghost.