12 Oct
12 Oct
4:27 p.m.
Hi, Tom, I too am still in CA (funny, I didn't see you on the street last night!) With restricted access. Unfortunately, your 301 kByte PDF confounded Mr. Blackberry. It got stuck in his windpipe and blocked 68 othetr messages (not to worry, they were all spam). My point is, we should be careful with large email attachments. Rather than posting them to multiple lists, anything other than brief ASCII text should probably be posted to a website somewhere, and only the URL forwarded around. That way, we can download the files at will, when back home connected to the Real World. Mr. Blackberry thanks you for your consideration. 73, Paul
H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D., Chief Engineer
Microcomm Consulting +1 (570) 494-2299
121 Florence Drive, Cogan Station PA 17728
[email protected] http://microcomm.net
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