21 Sep
21 Sep
8:41 a.m.
I believe that Steve Cripps is (or at least was) a ham, although not currently active. I talked to him about the subject of ham radio. He knows Peter, G3LTF quite well.
73, Al - K2UYH
Dr. Allen Katz, President
Linearizer Technology, Inc.
Robert McGwier wrote:
> Marc Franco wrote:
>>I don't think Steve Cripps is a ham (maybe he was at
>>one point), but he seems to have a nice opinion of
>>amateur radio. However, there are many other RF PA
>>experts that are also hams, like Fred Raab W1FR (Solid
>>State Radio Engineering, Krauss-Bostian-Raab), and
>>Nathan Sokal, WA1HQC, the inventor of the class-E
>>amplifier. They regularly write for QEX and they also
>>attend the IEEE microwave symposium. In fact, these
>>three experts were in San Francisco when the PA
>>competition took place.
> I asked Nathan to give us a discount on his amplifier design tools and
> simulators. He gave us a 95% discount. We are purchasing all of his
> tools in the new fiscal year.
>>The IEEE microwave symposium also has a ham radio
>>social meeting. It was started in Philadelphia in 2003
>>by K2UYH, and has steadily grown since then. Next year
>>it will take place in Hawaii. It will probably include
>>a key note speaker, and a 23 cm EME operation. The
>>refreshments are usually provided by engineering
>>companies owned by hams.
> Jim! We should have a design meeting in conjunction with the IEEE
> meeting. ;-).
>>73, Marc N2UO
> Bob
> N4HY