I think I have a couple of similar 5 MHz oscillators around here.  (untested)  Free to a good home.

Juan Rivera wrote:



Be careful.  I basically made it say what I wanted to by fooling with the gain, filters, and FFT bin size.  I could be fooling us both.  Let me do one more test.  I’ll get it back to the configuration I just sent to you and then I’ll feed it a 10 MHz signal from my two synthesized signal generators.  I’ll report back…


(I should have picked a noisier oscillator so I could match it up with the 8566B too).


The oscillator is manufactured by Bulova Electronics.  The label says:


Model:      PCOXO-HP22

Freq:       10.000 MHz

Osc. Volt:  +20V DC

Oven Volt:  +30V DC

Part No.    0960-0151


I yanked it out of an HP8660C organ donor.