To the extent that we have the ability to change things based on our experience, I agree. The CAN-Do modules are new to us in using them specifically in a spacecraft. The Germans demanded their flight modules over the objections of the designers and manufacturers so they are on their own with the consequences. I am expecting them to roll them again if they run into problems.
This kind of noise source is different in that we have decided to mount them as part and parcel of the individual boxes, inside them in fact. They must be treated differently from other power and control devices and demand more noise mitigation than we have power and control devices.
We cannot expect to overcome noise that has a huge 1/r^2 advantage over the weak signals from the ground.
My suggestion on the receiver testing, given that we know we are going another round, is we do everything possible to separate the noise source from the receiver so we are only testing and debugging the receiver.
Jim Sanford wrote:
All: My OPINION, based on my experience, is that we're better off eliminating the noise at the source.
I understand Bdale's comments about flight units being delivered already, but if it is as simple as replacing one (easily replaceable, I'm assuming) component, I think we should at least consider that option in the system level engineering decision. I'd sure like to see the idea tested somewhere.
Again, that's my INPUT to the discussion.
Thanks & 73, Jim [email protected]