John and CAN-Do Team,
I was in the process of checking some configuration files in
preparation for my hunt for the 10.7 MHz spur. I initialized the receiver
on 435.500, internal reference, and set up the SDR-IQ to display the IF output signal.
Then I clicked the heartbeat button on the Can-Do Net Controller and
was about to load the initialization file for external reference. As soon
as I clicked the heartbeat button the IF output started jumping. I think
it's the three second jumps that I have seen before, but I thought those were caused
by a momentary loss of DC input power. In this case the receiver power is
coming directly from the bench supply. I killed the CAN-Do module power
and the IF jumping stopped. As soon as I applied power to the CAN-Do
module again, the jumping returned.
The duration of the jumps is very short and I am unable to capture a
carrier – either with the SDR-IQ or using my TS-2000. They sound
like clicks over a wide frequency range.
Since the next revision of the receiver will be autonomous, perhaps
this won’t be an issue for us, but it will for others so it should be
understood and documented in my opinion.
73, Juan