I am personally in favor of some type of switching arrangement. I am not sure why the Matrix on P3D got a bum rap. It was a little weird but it worked very well.
A matrix gives us a lot of flexibility.

On Sep 22, 2006, at 8:26 PM, John B. Stephensen wrote:

I was thinking that there would be a switch between V and S dowlinks as each needs considerable power.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 23:55 UTC
Subject: [eagle] Re: IF switching

We have wanted to stay away from a matrix, for reaons of complexity, and to keep things simple -- no schedule for users to mess with.

It's not explicitly stated in that way, but has been in some emails, and can be inferred from the all transponders on all the time objective stated in various things in the past.  Ultimately, power budget will probably be the major determinant in such things.

[email protected]

Howard Long wrote:

I believe that I read somewhere recently (although I can't seem to find it
now) that the concept of an IF switching matrix has been discounted. I don't
know what the reason for this was, however on the basis that it seems clear
that no-one is sure what bands may or may not be useable or available over
the next few years, is it worth re-addressing this for feasibility?


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