We have sufficient licenses to support a few serious people with Designer and HFSS and MOST of the other Ansoft tool set.
Ulrich Rohde and I are acquaintances and I knew he was the founding chairman of the board at Ansoft. I asked him to help us and he contacted the current CEO at Ansoft! We got everything we wanted and more. Hambly successfully talked them into a modification of the license to be a distributed community. This has a noncommercial qualifier on it but that is not a problem for AMSAT. It will be if anyone decides to do commercial work with it and we are found out.
We have a tutorial done by an HFSS expert and AMSAT and personal friend of many of us, W1GHZ, Paul Wade.
I would really like to see us use these licenses and I encourage the serious to try it. HFSS and Designer are not for the faint of heart so it will take real need (whether that is practical or intellectual is irrelevant) to motivate you to get through the learning curve.
Tom Clark, K3IO wrote:
Here is another ANSOFT training class -- Boston, next week
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: HFSS Training, Burlington MA, August 2-3 Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 14:39:13 -0400 From: Ansoft News [email protected] To: Undisclosed-Recipient CC: ANS7