I have been concerned about the complexity of doing the phased array.
Most of the discussion so far has been along the lines of this set of
1. We assume an X-element array (where X is somewhere in
the 30-45 range to get enough gain to get a good signal to the ground)
2. For a lot of reasons (minimizing losses, redundancy, generating RF
power, etc) we like the idea of distributing the PA function to have
one PA at each array element. This means that in addition to X
antennas, we have X amplifiers.
3. There exist several nice PA chip amplifiers that can each make ~1
watt (I'll use that value because one watt's as good as another). All
these breeds of amplifier have a gain in the 10-20 dB (i.e. the numeric
gain G is in the [10-100] range, corresponding to a drive level D in
the 10-100 mW range).
4. With a PA at each element requiring ~D watts of drive, then we need
a driver capable of X*D watts, assuming there are no losses in the
X-way power splitter and all the intervening coax cable.
5. It is not hard to imagine that the power splitter+cable losses will
be at least 3 dB (it's C-band, remember) so the drive requirements
rapidly grow to the 2X*D range. OUCH! -- the driver is now at least as
big a deal as the PA at the antenna element!
6. We still need some way to generate the phase shift necessary to
point the beam in the desired direction, and be able to update the
pointing to compensate for the fact that the spacecraft spin axis
doesn't point at the earth.
Several recent additions to these thoughts have included:
7. From Franklin Antonio: How about distributing a lower
frequency phase reference and add a PLL to generate the microwave
8. Also from Franklin: Put a programmable phase shifter along with the
PLL at each antenna to obtain the necessary antenna phasing?
9. From me: The phasing can be made easier if the array consists of
collinear elements. The required phasing over the whole array needed to
keep the beam pointed to the earth is a simple, linear gradient. If the
array consists of several linear arrays, then the projection of the
needed phase on each of the linear arrays is also linear.
Pardon me while I digress, but I think this story is relevant. When I
did my thesis many eons ago, I built a large 10 MHz radio telescope
made up of a lot of east-west dipoles. For the north-south arm of the
telescope, I made a km-long 450 ohm terminated transmission line made
from #12 copperweld supported between a horizontal 2x4 which was held
up by fence posts. And I chose 0.5 wavelengths as the between element
spacing. The elements were supported in the air by a 20' pressure
treated 4x4s at the middle and both ends.
Each antenna element was 3 wavelengths long -- central full-wave dipole
fed with a half-wave of tubular 300 ohm TV cable; then at the end a
shorted quarter-wave stub, and another full wavelength of wire on each
side (this is sometimes called a Franklin collinear). The central
feed-point impedance was high (several kohms, as compared with the 450
ohm open wire t-line. The T-line was marked off in 0.1 wavelength
units; since the elements were spaced a half-wave, every 5th mark was
at an antenna pole. To phase the array to a given declination might
have required (as an example) a phase increment of 0.15 wavelengths.
The first element was tapped onto the line at position 0. the second (a
half wave away) was at position 0.515 but with the connection block
flipped to get a 180° phase reversal. then the 3rd element should have
been at 1.30 with no reversal, but it was closer to tap at 0.80 with a
reversal. And so forth thru all 64 elements. It took about an hour to
go thru the array to re-phase it for a different declination. Because
the taps ended up contributing a (nearly) randomized set of
reflections, the inter-element interactions were quite small unless the
array was phased to the zenith (when all the individual ~1.1:1 VSWR
phasors added up).
Thinking back on these sins of my youth, I came up with a new idea
based on points 7 & 9, which is seen in the first attached drawing
"tapped delay line".
As a variation on Franklin's idea #7, my thoughts are to use the Nth
sub-harmonic of the carrier. We might make N=8 so that we distribute
730 MHz (corresponding to 5840 MHz center downlink); at this frequency,
one wavelength ~ 411 mm. For a 7-element array, I show a 6*L piece of
coax, with taps uniformly space L and terminated in its characteristic
impedance. There a 7 uniformly tapped steps and at each tap is a high
impedance buffer amplifier (think coax Ethernet here). The buffer feeds
a *N multiplier (I suggested N-8 because Hittite has some really nice
active microwave doublers); alternatively, it could involve a PLL,
perhaps with a DRO "puck" as the resonator. The microwave signal from
the multiplier feeds a double-balanced mixer to generate BPSK, followed
by a PA and the patch antenna element. Note that the BPSK modulation
could be done at a lower frequency inside the multiplier, in which case
the modulation phase shift is < 180° by some integer divisor.
However, at this point we have not phased the array -- the interelement
phase is determined by the tap interval L and the frequency f/N. If we
could make the tapped delay line from rubber, then we could get an
incremental change in the phase by simply mechanically stretching it.
Since we can't change the physical length, can we tune the delay line
electronically? I think that the scheme shown in the 2nd "rubber"
drawing will work. At each tap point, we add a varactor and set the
bias on all the varactors with a D/A. As we change the voltage across
the diode string, each diode's capacity will be changed by the same
amount, making the equivalent of computer-controlled "rubber". Voila --
we can generate the smooth phase gradient needed to point the antenna.
Note that the phase "swings" from the end where the f/N oscillator
injects its signal. But IMHO, we want to "lock" the phase of the
central element, half-way down the tapped line. I suggest that, in
addition to programming the DC voltage necessary to point the antenna,
the computer adds a "DC" constant to each string based on keeping the
central element as the phase reference. Note that some of the delay
line taps will not have an PA/antenna element attached to it; the
degenerate case is the central element which can only be physically
present in one of the intersecting arms.
The antenna geometry I tend to favor is the 43-element "12-spoke" ("two
bits" * 43 = $10.75) version which has 3 9-element arms (with a
single common central element) and 3 6-element arms (with the central 3
elements missing). All 6 would use an 8*L delay line, with the central
phase of 5 of the lines slaved to the 6th.
As usual, please enter into a lively, feedback-provoking discussion --
73, Tom