On Oct 11, 2006, at 3:28 PM, Bdale Garbee wrote:
On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 09:41 -0700, Louis McFadin wrote:
One of the ways we planned to manage the system is to have deadbands
on the buss voltage. Another way is to have a simple way that the
units can communicate to each other as to their state.
As we've discussed, this all needs to be designed very carefully, and
deserves careful review by a broad team. Adding another bus of some
type to pass state information around between the various power
management devices seems attractive, but the more I've thought
about it
the more I think we should try to minimize the amount of shared state
information and complexity. If we can do it all with voltages on
the DC
bus and suitable dead band definitions, that seems like a big win
to me.
I'm certainly open to being convinced otherwise, though!
I am with you on this. However I also believe it's good to have
additional data exchanged between the units.
I have also been thinking of using a common system such as the IHU to
send out a number which is it's opinion as to the voltage of the bus.
That's an interesting thought. The immediate difficulty I see is how
all these devices would be connected to the IHU... putting a CAN
controller on each certainly seems to be driving the complexity
the wrong way, and yet we really don't have any other communications
path to/from the IHU. Perhaps some intermediate flavor where
there's an
overall power management controller coordinating all these little
devices and interacting with the IHU makes sense, but keeping each of
the little units completely independent may be lower risk overall?
I am thinking the we may need to have a power control module just for
that purpose.
There needs to be some way for the IHU to communicate with the power
system even if we make it start up autonomously.
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