Attached is a Matlab plot of Juan's SDR-IQ PAVE PAWS capture...
In the plot, you can really see the noise-blanker suppression after each spike...
On 9/3/07, Robert McGwier [email protected] wrote:
Juan Rivera wrote:
Hi Dave,
I noticed that too. I killed the AGC but didn't think of the noise blanker. I'll take a look and try again if it was on. Right now I can't communicate with the CAN-Do module or I would switch to the 70 cm prototype receiver and repeat the test.
Yes, please. I have some interesting noise blanker stuff I want to work on to eliminate PAVE PAWS pulses on board the SDX transponder. This is the PERFECT set of signal collection (SDR-IQ of IF) for doing that work.
Thank you very much once again Juan for your extremely valuable contributions and your unbridled enthusiasm. It is very welcome indeed.
-- AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats, NJQRP, QRP ARCI, QCWA, FRC. ARRL SDR WG Chair "If you're going to be crazy, you have to get paid for it or else you're going to be locked up." Hunter S. Thompson