Bob fired Matt Ettus on 23 June 2008. He fired me, for lack of a better term, on 26 June 2008.

It was unnecessarily harsh and inaccurate. It was impersonal, and inappropriate.

According to several AMSAT executives, Bob McGwier is mentally ill. I am told he suffers from bipolar disorder. Despite knowing this (if this is true), AMSAT has chosen to appoint him to Vice President of Engineering. They intend, as far as I can tell, to keep him in this position, regardless of the result.

While mental illness cannot and should not suffer stigma, it also is a factor in assigning responsibility.

I think Bob needs help and support. I also think he needs to resign, and get help, and then return to contribute as a valued and irreplaceable technical volunteer.
-Michelle W5NYV

----- Original Message ----
From: Bdale Garbee <[email protected]>
To: AMSAT BoD <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]; AMSAT Eagle <[email protected]>; Bob McGwier N4HY <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, July 7, 2008 5:38:59 PM
Subject: [eagle] what is going on?

I just returned from nearly a month of travel/vacation with my family,
including 4925 miles of cross-country road-trip.  Two of the personal
highlights were my daughter Elizabeth KC0OTR passing her Extra exam in
Grand Junction, CO, and my first visit to the NRAO facility at Green
Bank, WV.

In trying to catch up on the email backlog in preparation for
re-engaging in less vacation-oriented activities, I find myself
somethere between utterly confused and completely dismayed regarding
AMSAT activities I care about.

        It seems like it has been months since I heard about any
        activity on Eagle or the associated ride-share opportunity other
        than what is being discussed on the namaste-dev list.  ???
        I see references in Michelle's weekly summaries about a meeting
        in San Diego on the weekend of 18 July, but can't find any
        information about who is meeting and for what purpose.  Is this
        something I should show up for?  I've tried emailing a couple
        folks directly that I thought might be able to give me details,
        but have had no replies.  I happen to have that weekend open at
        the moment.
        An email from Bob McGwier to the eagle list on June 5th
        indicated that he has resigned as VP Engineering and does not
        intend to run for another term on the Board.  While I'm pleased
        to see that he remains active on the namaste-dev list, I haven't
        read anything yet indicating who is expected to replace him?
        Who's supposedly running our Eagle and related engineering
        projects now that Jim and Bob have both stepped down?
        Matt Ettus reports that he has been "fired" and is thus no
        longer working on the ACP.  Why?  I find it nearly inconceivable
        that AMSAT would intentionally push away someone of his talent,
        vision, and demonstrated persistence of contribution.  I
        sincerely hope this is a misunderstanding of some kind?

Would someone *please* tell me what is going on?

73 - Bdale, KB0G

Via the Eagle mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA
[email protected]