Hi Chuck,
I found the device I was thinking of. It's an Analog Devices ADP3000AR-5.
Here's the link --> http://www.analog.com/UploadedFiles/Data_Sheets/ADP3000.pdf
Its operating temp range is -40C to +85C in an 8-lead SOIC style
Here’s the block diagram:
Unlike most of these step-down converters, this one switches around 400
kHz regardless of the load. A wider temp range would be nice. I’ll
keep looking...
73, Juan
-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Green [mailto:greencl@mindspring.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 7:28 AM
To: juan-rivera@sbcglobal.net
Cc: 'Bdale Garbee'; 'David Smith'; 'Dave Black (Work)'; 'Dave Black (Home)';
eagle@amsat.org; 'Samsonoff@Mac. Com'; 'Juan.Rivera (Work)'
Subject: Re: [eagle] Re: Receiver Spec vs. ATP, a few Suggestions and aQuestion
or Two
Hi Juan,
My use of the value 90% (efficiency) is based on your measurements of
current supplied and my previous measurements of power consumed.
But it
really doesn't matter how good this figure is, I think we can do a
little better.
I really suspect the existing regulator is running normally. It
likely in a very low power mode and therefor not running at the 100 kHz
+ speed it can run at. But I'm not defending it. If there
is something
better (more suitable for our current needs), great! You may very
have found such a device. However, since it would be running at
of capacity it may also switch to a more efficient mode (slower
switching speed).
Given the switching speed the regulator is running at now, I doubt the
layout has much to do with the issues you have uncovered. But
really doesn't matter because we certainly wouldn't design a new board
to install the device dead-bug stile. However, you might want to
experiment with the new device as a direct replacement on the board
which would likely mean dead-bug stile. The topology of switching
supplies are often very much alike so it may well be that you could do
this as a first experiment.
And I wouldn't give up on your idea of an analog supply. Just
one or two of us are not excited about this doesn't mean it isn't the
right thing to do. It's a system level issue of power
management. But
I still want to encourage experimenting with a new switching supply to
see if it can resolve the problem.
Juan Rivera wrote:
> Hi Chuck,
> I don't think that existing supply is running at 90%
efficiency. I'll have
> to solder it back together to take a few measurements but the
> specs don't claim quite that much and this one isn't running
properly. I've
> got a bit more data in my symposium presentation and I hope to
complete that
> in the next few days and get it out.
> I found a step-down converter that's designed to supply a maximum
of about
> 100 mA and it runs at 400 kHz with automotive temp range. If
no one else
> steps up I'll put out some info on this one.
> 73,
> Juan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Green [mailto:greencl@mindspring.com]
> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 3:30 PM
> To: juan-rivera@sbcglobal.net
> Cc: 'Bdale Garbee'; 'David Smith'; 'Dave Black (Work)'; 'Dave
Black (Home)';
> eagle@amsat.org; 'Samsonoff@Mac. Com'; 'Juan.Rivera (Work)'
> Subject: Re: [eagle] Re: Receiver Spec vs. ATP, a few Suggestions
> aQuestion or Two
> Hi Juan,
> I think the reason you have not seen much regarding the CAN-Do
> is that, as far as I know, no one has stepped up to do the power
> redesign. Until that happens, not much else will happen.
> I'm not thrilled with the idea of giving up the switching power
> Remember that the efficiency hit must be multiplied by 10-15, the
> of CAN-Do's on the satellite.
> The "dead-bug" modification is intended to fly.
Those who were not
> around in the early days have no idea what loose wires have flown
> successfully in the past. That's not to say we should
encourage such
> things, just that it's not as ugly to those of us who have seen
> worse in the past as you might think. Because of the IC's
mass (very
> small) it is probably very secure just the way you see it.
But we will
> also epoxy a radiation shield to it and then conformal coat the
> thing with a heave conformal coating which will make it very
> for anything to move.
> I'm ready to start a new design (layout) just as soon as someone
> us a new power supply design that is quieter, and hopefully, more
> efficient than the 90% we now have.
> Chuck
> Juan Rivera wrote:
>> Bdale,
>> It would be a trade-off. I've put out all the
information I have and
>> everyone knows my opinions. I think someone else is
supposed to be
> looking
>> into this but I forgot who it is since nothing has been
posted. I'd like
> to
>> see some alternative suggestions from the experts on the
CAN-Do, the
>> enclosure, and the EMI situation in general.
>> By the way, do I have a prototype CAN-Do module or was the
intent to fly
>> this version with the dead-bug step-down converter hanging by
three leads
>> and a few wires?
>> Juan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bdale Garbee [mailto:bdale@gag.com]
>> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 2:41 PM
>> To: juan-rivera@sbcglobal.net
>> Cc: 'John B. Stephensen'; David Smith; Dave Black (Work); Dave
> (Home);
>> eagle@amsat.org; Samsonoff@Mac. Com; Juan.Rivera (Work)
>> Subject: Re: [eagle] Receiver Spec vs. ATP, a few Suggestions
> aQuestion
>> or Two
>> On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 21:23 -0700, Juan Rivera wrote:
>>> I have a few thoughts... The CAN-Do switching
step-down converter is
>>> only supplying 11 milliamps. If we take a slight
efficiency hit we
>>> could just go to a simple linear regulator and completely
>>> the radiated and conducted EMI emission problem from
CAN-do. That
>>> eases the EMI filtering and shielding requirements for
every single
>>> payload. That seems like a good trade-off to me.
>> Hrm. What makes you say "a slight efficiency
>> Doing this on one or two modules that are particularly
susceptible to
>> noise *may* make sense (and I'm certainly open to considering
this as an
>> alternative), but we're already on our second power supply
design on the
>> CAN-Do! because the original switcher, which was more
efficient than a
>> linear regulator, was deemed too inefficient to fly on P3E by
>> AMSAT-DL friends.
>> Bdale
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