Phil: Good comments.
One response: The situation you describe regarding load sharing between multiple parallel sources, without oscillations and circulating currents, is no different than the situation where there are multiple AC generators operating in parallel. In that case, the speed governor (which sets frequency) has a frequency vs load characteristic that is not flat. This forces stable real load sharing, even when generators of different capacity are paralleled. Similarly, the voltage regulator has a non-flat voltage vs. reactive load characteristic. This forces stable sharing of reactive load.
Bottom line: I think we can deal with this issue.
Thanks & 73, jim [email protected]
Phil Karn wrote:
I was fascinated by Lou's talk at the Symposium. His idea of a "parallel" power system is an excellent one if a few potential problems can be addressed.
The first and most obvious one is efficiency. Switching converters tend to be much less efficient at low voltages and high currents, though power MOSFETs have gotten very good of late. Every Pentium 4 motherboard has had a DC-DC converter that takes 12V and produces ~1V at up to 100A to power the CPU. The fact that there isn't a massive heat sink and fan for the supply as well as the CPU says that these converters can't be too terribly inefficient. I'll be interested in some actual figures for the "virtual battery" converters.
The second issue is robustness. Just as serial architectures are vulnerable to single-point open faults, parallel architectures are potentially vulnerable to single-point shorting faults, e.g., of the power transistors and diodes in the converter. I'm hoping a judicious application of fuses can take care of this.
Super caps look very promising thanks to their claimed long cycle lives, but I wonder about their radiation robustness. Imagine what a highly energetic, totally ionized particle might do as it rips through the Aerogel holding large numbers of electrons a few microns apart from large numbers of holes. Have any radiation tests been performed on these things?
Also, I would not take their cycle life claims as gospel without some tests to back them up. Electrolytic caps have become some of the most unreliable components in electronics today. They fail on a regular basis in computer power supplies and motherboards, often spectacularly.
While super caps aren't built quite the same way, both kinds of caps achieve their high capacities with lots of extremely thin dielectric material. Cycling the cap must place some pretty serious electrostatic compression stresses across this material. What happens, e.g., after many cycles at very low temperatures?
At a system level, I see a potential "gotcha" with multiple paralleled virtual battery units. You can never get multiple voltage references to exactly agree, so if the control loop gains are too high, then one virtual battery might think the bus voltage is a little too low when another might think it's too high. Then you'll have large amounts of current flowing from one virtual battery into another, obviously an undesirable situation.
The simplest fix I can think of is to program the control logic in each virtual battery to follow a specified current vs voltage characteristic. The slope of this curve must be gentle enough so that small differences in reference voltages across the units will not produce significantly different I/V curves. Bus regulation won't be quite as tight, but hopefully the loads won't mind.
Overall I think Lou's proposed architecture is an excellent idea, and with attention to a few details it should be a lot more reliable than the conventional power systems we've had in the past.
Via the Eagle mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA [email protected] http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/eagle