

Implicitly all that information existed already on the E05 60 Module drawing. I have today changed this drawing to Rev.02 to incorporate these specific dimensions. You have 28.4mm clearance to the cover flange of the E05 62 Connector Plate, which is intruded by 3.2mm for the cover screw and its PEM nut pressed into the flange. All other dimensions that you need are located on the several drawings, which is why I uploaded the complete set of drawings.



Dick Jansson, KD1K

[email protected]

[email protected]


-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Green [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, 01 November, 2007 16.21
To: Dick Jansson-rr
Cc: Bob Davis
Subject: Re: [eagle] New Module


Hi Dick,


For those who have extreme connector issues it might be helpful if they had information regarding the cover attachment to the connector plate. This information might logically be added to the connector plate drawing.


How far does the nut protrude into the module area? What is it's diameter? What is the distance from the top of the PCB to the center of this nut (assuming 0.062 inch PCB)? And how far might the screw reasonably be expected to protrude into the module area?





Dick Jansson-rr wrote:


> Bob:


> I have uploaded the drawings for the new E05 60, 140x180 Module, to

> Eaglepedia. I did this so that people so interested can go there and

> look at these drawings.


> I plan shortly, however, to modify the PCB and Baseplate slightly by

> adding more mounting screws. I have somehow to convey that some of the

> added screws are optional depending upon the PCB dissipation. This

> step to add more screws is part of the realization that screws spaced

> 50+mm apart may not provide sufficiently effective contact of the PCB

> to the Baseplate. Modules such as the U Receiver will definitely need

> the added screws. This tradeoff on this module is a significant

> reduction in the need for added heat sinks, and their attaching screws

> in the middle of the PCB.


> Your timely comments on this module would be appreciated.


> ’73,


> Dick Jansson, KD1K


> [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>


> [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>