Team: I'm not going to be able to put an agenda on EaglePedia until tomorrow.
Things I'd like to discuss: 1. Budget submissions -- I have some, what else is ccoming? What estimates are coming? 2. Status reports -- what should I highlight at Symposium in my BRIEF remarks? Who is making what presentations? 3. Did we write off L-band or not in San Diego? I remember, and my notes and one other attendee confirm, that we wrote off L-band for the digital uplink, but briefly discussed it as ananalog uplink. We never made a decision. Lets discuss and decide. 4. Status reports from those we haven't heard from in a while -- power, sensors, etc. 5. Bob and Rick discussed on the phone, (I was next to Rick) the idea of: Rethinking S2 (3GHz) for the Digital uplink This frees up S1 for any use We offer that anyone willing can develop and submit for testing and qualification a stand-alone L/S transponder to fly in one of the TSFR slots, using fixed antennas. It would be usable at/near Apogee, like the microwave packages on AO-13 and A)-40. What do you think? Les's discuss this.
Any other topics? Remember 2100 EDT, 1800 PDT.
Thanks & 73, Jim [email protected]