Argentina has not recently banned all kinds of amateur transmissions on 2.4 GHz. This goes way back... 25 years ago at least. The reason I think was because that frequency was used for mobile-studio analog TV links. That service has been moved to OFDM on another frequency not long ago, but the amateur restriction still remains.
The important message here is that the TX prohibition has no connection with the proliferation of spread spectrum license-free devices, because it existed even before I used for the first time a Tandy TRS80.
73, Marc N2UO
--- "John B. Stephensen" [email protected] wrote:
Has Agrentina banned transmission on S1 for all amateur services -- terrestrial, earth and space stations?
Are we all still agreed that the primary analog and digital transponders must provide access over 75% of the orbit for ground stations using the minimum antenna/uplink power configuration?
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