It pleases me greatly to announce that Eric Ellison has been presented with an award from AMSAT. It is sometimes easy to take for granted what seems to many to be a small thing. In the case of AMSAT, Eric's work made virtual meetings not only possible but easy. AMSAT has literally run its Eagle project using VOIP facilities which Eric set up on behalf of the technical groups active today in amateur radio in satellites, technology, and in particular software defined radio. AMSAT and TAPR both recognize Eric's work, AMSAT with the award and TAPR membership with Eric's election to its board of directors. Someday Eric's TEAMSPEAK server will be universally recognized for the spectacular impact it has had and will continue to have.
Eric, the award is in the mail from the AMSAT office along with a gift membership in AMSAT for a year.
Jim Sanford, Eagle project manager, and I and the entire organization give you our thanks for your generosity and help.
73's Bob McGwier N4HY