Juan Rivera wrote:

Hi Bob,


No, I’m not as frustrated as I sound.  Let me try to imbed my comments in your email…


From: Robert Davis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 4:28 PM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Jim Sanford; Rick Hambly; Bob McGwier; Gould Smith; William A Schmitt; Lou McFadin; Lee McLamb; Stan Wood; Tom Clark; Bill Ress; [email protected]; Dick Jansson-rr; John B. Stephensen
Subject: Re: We need to step back and reorganize



You bring up things that should be discussed. I hope you're not as frustrated as your email sounds. If you are, then I fear that our communication shortcomings are worse than the technical problems you refer to.

I can comment on a couple of your points.


Here's the history of the module development as I heard it. From AO-40 there was the desire for greater access to components on the PCBs, by removing the side walls. As a reaction, Dick created a lightweight module where the PCB mounts to the baseplate, then a cover is added. This was his solution for the "requirement" he was given or at least interpreted.

I absolutely recognize the problem of having a baseplate that can be flexed or even bent, to which a geometrically sensitive circuit board is screwed, and then this is contorted to fit a potentially imperfect cover. It seems to me that machining a module (base & walls) would contradict the requirement Dick had to begin with. It's also possible that the requirement for greater access is just plain at odds with SMDs. Maybe this can be improved with a thicker baseplate. This is absolutely an open issue right now.


I think access to the PCB once it’s in a chassis needs to be carefully considered.  The ceramic chip capacitors are sort of the canary in the coal mine.  They are extremely brittle and easily cracked during assembly, rework, PCB flexing, and so forth.  They can also be damaged by CTE induced stress.  Cracks can easily go unnoticed and cause a failure at a later date.  They tend to fail in nasty ways such as a short.  I’ve attached a short paper from the manufacturer AVX that discusses several issues that we are touching on here.  They seriously frown on touching a cap with a test probe, your fingers, or a soldering iron tip for example.  Given all these cautions I question why access to the PCB is required once it’s in the chassis.  It is however, extremely important to prevent any stresses from damaging those sensitive parts.  Unlike through-hole leaded parts, they can’t absorb stress by flexing their leads.  Assuming for the moment that the PCB was mounted to a chunk of granite, there would still be many sources of stress to be considered during design, assembly, and handling.  It’s impossible to completely avoid thermal coefficient of expansion (CTE) mismatches.  Each component mounted to the PCB has a different CTE, and they are all going to differ from the PCB itself.  The greater the temperature extremes that the receiver must survive, the more CTE mismatch becomes an issue.  This is one major reason that -70C is such a huge issue to me.  That’s almost down to the temperature of liquid CO2.


Now, if we mount the PCB on a chassis that is not completely plumb, or stable, then any flexing of the chassis will be transferred to the board, and from the board to the components.  Since they can’t flex the solder joints are stressed, along with the part.  You want everything to be in a neutral state half way between the two temperature extremes.  That’s one of the reasons that hand soldering as we normally practice it is very bad.  The component expands as it is heated, but the PCB doesn’t.  That puts the part under static stress when it tries to contract as it cools.  This is why the PCB must be preheated before any soldering operations take place.


Given all of the above, I think its imperative that whatever chassis is used is very stable and is not warped.  The same goes for the surface that the chassis is to be mounted on.  If there is a misalignment I think it should be deal with by shimming and not by flexing the chassis to pull the high side down.  If all this can be done with sheet metal then that’s fine, but it’s been my experience that it’s these little nit picking details that make the difference between success and some unknown early failure – probably after a few hundred thermal cycles in orbit.


The CAN-DO is another topic. You're right. You can trade internal area for the connector face. I do regret that this was not a specific conversation earlier, as you have the PCB area to do almost anything.


In the case of this particular receiver perhaps we could think about mounting the Can-do module flat to free up badly needed front panel space.  Right now there is a mechanical problem with the two SMA IF output connectors being too close together and also blocking a chassis mounting hole.  It’s worth a thought since we have plenty of real estate.


As for the unused area inside the module, I personally have no interest in pursuing module dimensions that react to the PCB dimensions in both planform directions. We already have 3 module variants where we vary one planform direction. I think this is enough. The spacecraft module mounting real estate is not valuable enough to make modules based on each PCB delivered. We've essentially bloated the exterior of Eagle to generate more power, and the innards haven't changed much.


I agree.  I just don’t like to see wasted space going into orbit.


You also bring up machined chassis. On AO-40, AMSAT paid for *a lot* of machining, because AMSAT has no specific CNC capabilities. Volunteers offer what they have, and whatever volunteers we have this year has entered into our decisions on what to make. And certainly this is the case for machined modules versus bent sheetmetal. Using jigs, it was seen as a good thing that modules could be replicated by someone with perhaps fewer fabrication capabilities. The bent sheetmetal chassis have alignment issues that in the 3 or 4 prototypes we made, we were unable to demonstrate reliable tolerances. This didn't bother me so much, as the alignment jigs for bending were built during this process. You certainly imply here that sheetmetal modules are not compatible with SMD PCBs. I hope that's not true, as then that's a driving requirement for us mechanically.


Well, I don’t want to start dictating what kind of chassis should be used.  I’m not a metal worker or machinist.  Once the thermal environment is nailed down we can do an analysis based on the component specifications that should lead to a spec for chassis flexing and mounting flatness.  Then you can determine how best to meet it.  I think that makes sense.


Anyway, there's my comments for the day. I suspect the issues you bring up are major enough that we'll be addressing them for a while, not simply a weekend of emailing.


I am of the opinion that the early problems and high level of confusion so far are indications of a flaw in the process, or lack there of.  I’d hate to think that the entire satellite will be constructed in this manner.  I also understand that this is a volunteer effort and not a DoD multimillion dollar project.  I think a few fairly simple steps can be taken to insure that requirements are accurate and complete before work begins.  Of all the process and procedural paperwork I have been exposed to at work, I think there are about three documents and  as many procedural steps that should be used on this project:


SCD – Specification Control Drawing

ICD – Interface Control Drawing

ATP – Acceptance Test Procedure


The SCD spells out exactly what it is that is to be built, how it is to work, what it is to do, etc.

The ICD spells out all of the interface requirements and how your device will interface to others – power, control, RF, and so forth

The ATP spells out the testing that is to be passed before the unit is considered to be delivered


Then there are usually several meeting during the life cycle of the project:


PDR – Preliminary Design Review

CDR – Critical Design Review


You get the idea.  Some top-level document spells out exactly what each of these documents is to contain and how they are to be written, and when and what is to be covered at these meetings, and which groups are to attend and have input.


One more important point – these requirements should not be written by the people making the part.  These are high-level tasks for someone with the broad overview picture of the entire satellite.








Best regards,


Robert Davis



On 5/25/07, Juan Rivera <[email protected]> wrote:


I'm writing to you at 4:00 AM because I've been laying awake for the past
three hours worrying about this receiver project.  Let me go over a few of
the surprises that we've encountered after the requirements were peer
reviewed and approved, my team was brought on board, the receiver was
designed, parts ordered, and construction started:

1) Power can be interrupted every three seconds and the receiver has to
store enough charge to survive those outages.

2) The receiver is not the telecommand uplink receiver.  That receiver isn't
even on UHF.  It's on L-Band.

3) The lower temperature extreme it must survive is not -20C.  It's -70C.

4) The chassis it will be mounted in flexes.

5) It may or may not have to operate while subjected to PAVE PAWS
interference which is either impulse radar or chirping across the entire
satellite UHF segment.

6) The receiver cannot depend on a boot from the HCU.  It must be

7) The Can-do module power switch will be bypassed to provide continuous
power to the receiver.  No, wait! The receiver will be shut down during
eclipse and cold soaked to -70.  Well, it's one of those two anyway.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few items, but you get the idea.  Obviously the
original requirements document was incomplete.  In my opinion this was a
result of the unstructured and informal approach that was used, and the fact
that the RF designer, John, wrote it instead of a system engineer looking at
the satellite as a whole.

The receiver ATP peer review is another example.  I know there are problems
with that document.  After all, I wrote it.  Unfortunately I have not
received one single comment suggesting an improvement, even though it has
been posted on Eaglepedia since last year.

Now is the perfect time to create a structure that will avoid these problems
from now on.  It should start with a completely new receiver requirements
document, an ICD (Interface Control Document), and an actual review of the

The requirements document needs to have input from everyone that has
anything to do with the project - thermal, power, mechanical, control, EMI,
etc.  There should be a formal checklist to insure that no functional group
is omitted from the process.

There needs to be another checklist that spells out exactly what needs to be
included in the specification.  If the two lists are complete, and adhered
to, then all future requirements should be complete as well.

The requirements need to start by defining the RF environment that the
receiver is expected to operate in.  I've seen email suggesting that PAVE
PAWS is impulse radar.  The addendum that is attached to the ATP suggests
otherwise, but it could be wrong.  The nature of the RF environment the
receiver will operate in needs to be defined clearly.  The ATP references
that addendum and has a test or two designed to characterize receiver
operation under the conditions that addendum and John's requirements
document outline.  Are those assumptions incorrect?  Does it really matter
since this receiver is no longer the command uplink receiver?  The entire
design rests on assumptions that may or may not be accurate.  All of these
issues need to be addressed before John is turned on to begin the revision

I also question the mechanical layout of the receiver.  Having the Can-do
module at right angles to the receiver makes no sense in terms of space
utilization.  Perhaps it should be a daughter board that sits parallel to
the main PCB.  The DB15 also doesn't make any sense to me.  I'm sorry but
why use such a large connector?  At the very least a 15-pin connector could
be used that occupies a DB9 shell.  That connector dictates having the
Can-do module vertical, which in turn forces the chassis to be much higher
than it needs to be.  The front panel space is also severely restricted by
the Can-do PCB, leaving very little room for connectors associated with the
main PCB.

The case itself is flexible and that flex will be transferred to the PCB and
from there to the SMD devices, many of which are very susceptible to
mechanical damage from board flex.  Lastly, the entire rear third of the
chassis is empty - another waste of space.  I know I'm stepping on toes but
I'd much prefer milled aluminum boxes to sheet metal.  They wouldn't
necessarily be much heavier and would be much more rigid, providing badly
needed stability to the PCBs.  I fully expect to be shot down on this but it
should be open to discussion while a new requirements document is created.
Working with surface mount devices is completely different than the
through-hole PCBs of the past.  These devices have special needs that can
only be ignored at your peril.

I don't mean this email to be a complaint because we've learned a tremendous
amount in the process so far.  I'm actually very excited about the chance we
now have to really tighten up the requirements definition process and take a
fresh look at this receiver.  The lessons learned on this project will make
life much easier for the next group.  I'm convinced.




Is there any special reason that this discussion is not using  the AMSAT Eagle <[email protected]> team mailing list so that all the team can participate?

I'm using this message to bounce it to the whole team.
