Juan -- I found your posting at http://www.juanr.com/pages/hobbies/ham_radio/Eagle/SDR-IQ.htm very interesting. The SDR-IQ is the same SDR that I've been using for a few months here. N4HY and W3GPS have recently acquired copies for their use. I agree that it is an incredibly useful lab tool. It is the "engine" that I used for the first tests of the Suitsat-2 SDX. Regarding cases, I have two comments:

  1. My el cheapo kludge case cost only $2 as seen here: http://mysite.verizon.net/w3iwi/
  2. At Dayton, Pieter indicated that he now has factory-made cases which will be made available soon. He promised one for me ASAP so that he wouldn't be embarrassed by my el cheapo kludge.
FYI -- The developer at http://rfspace.com/ is Pieter Ibelings, N4IP. The SpectraVue software was done by Moe Wheatley, AE4JY (http://www.moetronix.com/). Both are AMSAT & weak signal folks. Moe wrote the AO-14 PSK soundblaster decoding software. You might want to join http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SDR-IQ/ in order to keep in touch with developments & applications.

73, Tom