Dick Jansson-rr wrote:
In my mind this is the REAL issue - will there be room for the L and S antennas for this operation. And I have NO idea as to the answer to that as we have not designed the antenna array yet, much less the whole spaceframe. If there is antenna and module space then some things like this could be flown. I otherwise refuse to get caught up in the emotions of the issue.
Good for you. Given the latest drawing of the antenna concept if we changed the S1 for an S2 array, we MIGHT be able to put an L/S1 antenna on the +Z but it would be the old P3 type, boresight, no steering. Again, I am NOT proposing a change or an addition. I oppose any change without cause from the decisions we made in SAN. I am asking a question. What do we do if S1 is under serious threat? Two days ago, I believed it might be. In addition, there will be a million questions asked at the symposium. Today, I am not so sure and Paul Rinaldo has not even a whiff of a problem. I have asked him to study it in detail while he is in Geneva at the ITU (timing is everything is it not?).
Dick Jansson