NASA is NOT exempt from ITAR. Most of the documents I handle for work are now marked "US export controlled". Why do you think I haven't given any Hubble talks at recent Amsat meetings? NASA has to jump through the same legal hoops as everyone else, but they have lawyers on the payroll already so it is not a big burden. NASA's budget for photocopy paper is many times larger than Amsat's total budget.
Amsat is not the only outfit affected by ITAR, a lot of small businesses are being shut down by an inability to export their products. It is their complaints that have attracted the attention of the Obama campaign, whose space policy states that:
"Revising Regulations for Aerospace Export Control: Some sections of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) have unduly hampered the competitiveness of domestic aerospace industry. Outdated restrictions have cost billions of dollars to American satellite and space hardware manufacturers as customers have decided to purchase equipment from European suppliers. While protecting our national security interests, Barack Obama will direct a review of the ITAR to reevaluate restrictions imposed on American companies, with a special focus on space hardware that is currently restricted from commercial export. He will also direct revisions to the licensing process to ensure that American suppliers are competitive in the international aerospace markets, without jeopardizing American national security."
McCain has not made any such statements in his space policy, but those who support his campaign should get in touch with him and try to get it added on.
We should be making complaints to elected representatives about how our organization is being affected by ITAR. Our organization is sufficiently different from commercial for-profit companies that our specific needs should be considered along with those of small business, in particular our desire to conduct the project in "open-source" mode.
If I understand correctly, if the IHU3 was an engine control computer for a car, it would be OK to work with the Germans, but since it is designed to go into a satellite, it is forbidden to share it with foreigners. Very Strange.
While we are sorting this out, keep in mind that this subject WILL come up at the Symposium/Annual Meeting next month. We better have a good presentation for the membership at that time. If you want to print anything in the published proceedings, I will need your material by the end of September.
Dan Schultz N8FGV
------ Original Message ------ Received: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:37:28 PM EDT From: Louis McFadin [email protected] To: Chuck Green [email protected]Cc: "'EAGLE'" [email protected] Subject: [eagle] Re: ITAR BS
Chuck, I would like to point out that any work on ARISS is exempt since it is a government activity NASA. You are free to help ARISS all you want.