I was thinking that the DCM output could be around 100 MHz to minimize jitter. It consumes less power than a bank of DDSs. However, I still like the analog phase shifters as that alternative may consume even less power.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Alan Bloom" [email protected] To: "John B. Stephensen" [email protected] Cc: "Matt Ettus" [email protected]; "AMSAT Eagle" [email protected] Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 04:26 UTC Subject: Re: [eagle] Re: Eagle Microwave AntennaArrays-- mechanical concepts
This is an elegant and simple solution. However I'm worried that the DCM phase may not be accurate and stable enough. From the Xilinx "Virtex-4 data sheet: DC and Switching Characteristics", page 37, tables 45 and 46:
Output clock synthesis period jitter: +/-100 ps Output clock phase offset between any DCM outputs: +/-140 ps
With a 400 MHz clock, +/-140 ps is +/-20 degrees of phase. It doesn't seem like a 40 degree variation would be good enough for accurate array element phasing. Also the +/-100 ps jitter might adversely degrade the quality of the transmitted signal.
However those are worst-case specifications. Perhaps phase innacuracy can be compensated by measuring the indivicual FPGAs we plan to use and including calibration tables in software. We would have to measure the parts over all environmental parameter ranges to be sure the calibrated values are stable and repeatable.
Another solution might be to pick a lower clock frequency so that the innacuracy is a smaller percentage of a clock cycle. The tradeoff is that the IF image would be harder to filter out.
This is a good enough idea that it is probably worth doing some investigation to see if it can be made to work. (Sorry, I'm not volunteering. :=)
On Sun, 2007-03-25 at 16:06, John B. Stephensen wrote:
The big current spike is during start up and the static current afterwards is low enough so that you can manage power dissiation. I wouldn't use DCMs for the reciver as it must deal with multiple narrow-bandwidth signals. The downlink will be about 2 Mbaud BPSK so phase noise isn't a big issue in generating low-frequency signals to be upconverted.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt Ettus" [email protected] To: "AMSAT Eagle" [email protected] Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 21:40 UTC Subject: [eagle] Re: Eagle Microwave Antenna Arrays-- mechanical concepts
John B. Stephensen wrote:
The amount of power required by the FPGA depends on the number of logic elements used and the speed of operation. Anything that isn't clocked in the FPGA consumes almost no power so the thermal dissipation is controlled by the logic designer.
This is not true anymore. Small geometry devices (< 90nm) can consume a lot of static power.
DCMs require a lot less power than an external DDS and an FPGA would be a good place to put other logic.
DCMs have horrible phase noise. You wouldn't want to use them for generating clocks for ADCs, DACs, LOs, or PLLs.
Matt _______________________________________________ Via the Eagle mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA [email protected] http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/eagle
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