Juan:: Did you also DISABLE the switcher? If not, it may still be making noise, either radiated, or coupled through grounds as someone else has suggested.
Thanks for all the work on this. 73, Jim
John: Juan's reference to the data sheet generates a wild thought: At your convenience, could you produce a document consisting of links to the data sheets on the active components? We could then add that to the receiver page on EaglePedia and have ONE entry point to all information on this receiver. Obviously not urgent. . . .
Thanks & 73, Jim
Juan Rivera wrote:
I've bypassed U17, the 10 volt step-down converter, in an effort to isolate the cause of the spurs in the IF output. I've also started a new log. You can jump there by clicking here http://www.juanr.com/pages/hobbies/ham_radio/Eagle/Troubleshooting_Spurs.htm, or go to the AMSAT 70 cm receiver page and click on _Spur Troubleshooting_ under _Project Status_.
Via the Eagle mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA [email protected] http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/eagle