Bill Ress wrote:
All - -
To add support to Juan's conviction that we need to start developing
"top down" specifications versus the bottom up activities we've been
involved with, I would add that in order to develop a "realistic" EMI
spec for the satellites power distribution system, we really need to
know what those circuits will do.
With that in mind, I feel we need to breadboard the key circuits
associated with that system and get hard data versus shooting from the
hip with assumptions. At some point this power system is needed anyway,
so why not focus design attention on that "top level" system now and get
that issue settled - or at least better understood?
On the issue of housing panel area, and the possible consideration of a
Mark 2 version, I think if I remember correctly, there were comments on
wondering why a DB-9 (or even a physically smaller connector series)
couldn't be used or are all the 15 pins needed?
Regards...Bill - N6GHz
I also support the breadboarding of primary circuits. And we did
develop our specifications for the latest incarnation of Eagle top down.
We started with what services we wanted to deliver and moved down from
When I rejoined the project, and started the software defined
transponder movement, and long before I was leadership, the Can-Do was
"in the can". I had almost no input to it. That said, I really do
support the goal of the CanDo. Anyone who has heard of the horror
stories of Marie Marr and the wiring harness or seen Lou's spreadsheet
for interconnections for AO-40 knows that these few words do not do it
justice. We have found a gremlin. That is normal in any project of
this complexity and is not easily remedied by specifications in a
project like this where the work and the tools necessary to make the
relevant measurements are spread over the globe.
I look forward to our doing better as a team.