Bob Davis, Drew Glassbrenner with help from Lou McFadin, Bob McGwier, Lee McLamb, and Stan Wood have mostly emptied the storage facility, reclaimed our clean room from Florida Space Institute, the equipment that was in individual homes and not being used for current AMSAT projects and begun the move to the Pocomoke City Hawk facility. The storage facility will be emptied and closed by the end of its lease on January 21. I have a picture that will finally demonstrate the scope of our new facility. It is the 24 foot Budget rental truck with 1/3 of the clean room inside it that I drove from Orlando to Pocomoke City. It is all the way inside and dwarfed by the new building. Drew and Bob Davis will follow with the rest of the trucks next Wednesday. This was a 3 truck, 3 driver move. Thursday and Friday will be "fork lift unload day" with Rick Hambly and friends coming over to help unload. Saturday will be inventory and sort day. Also in my pictures are the new walls going up where the clean room will be housed. The office space walls will be up this week and most of the lab walls will be by the weekend. Enough space is being left for now to get the air handlers and support structure in through the wall. There is very little doubt this will be the nicest lab and integration facility we have ever had in AMSAT-NA. It is larger and nicer than the fish bowl by quite a bit. The ZEL would rival it but nothing else.
Let's' build a few spacecraft!
Happy New Year, Bob N4HY
Just so you can see the cavernous space, attached photo shows about 1/4 of the new lab building while it is still nude
Tom et Al, The Building may have been Nude, but I am sure pleased that those in the Photo were properly attired! 73 Robin
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Tom Clark, K3IO Sent: December 30, 2006 1:48 PM To: Robert McGwier Cc: 'AMSAT BoD'; 'EAGLE'; senior-officers Subject: [eagle] Re: [Bod] Florida lab close out
Just so you can see the cavernous space, attached photo shows about 1/4 of the new lab building while it is still nude
More will be added by Rick and I after we unload the trucks. By then most of the walls studs will be up and the office walls will be in place.
In Florida, we tried to run around naked but we almost got arrested! The building is no longer nude and that will be changing rapidly as AMSAT and Hawk and U. Md. get our act together over the next few weeks.
Here, we are definitely not naked and this is the only time I hope to have to wear a suit!
Happy New Year, let's build satellites!
R.Haighton wrote:
Tom et Al, The Building may have been Nude, but I am sure pleased that those in the Photo were properly attired! 73 Robin
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Tom Clark, K3IO Sent: December 30, 2006 1:48 PM To: Robert McGwier Cc: 'AMSAT BoD'; 'EAGLE'; senior-officers Subject: [eagle] Re: [Bod] Florida lab close out
Just so you can see the cavernous space, attached photo shows about 1/4 of the new lab building while it is still nude
participants (3)
Robert McGwier
Tom Clark, K3IO