The following satellites have been added to this week's AMSAT-NA TLE distribution:
Tevel-1 NORAD Cat ID 51013. Tevel-2 NORAD Cat ID 51069. Tevel-3 NORAD Cat ID 50988. Tevel-4 NORAD Cat ID 51063. Tevel-5 NORAD Cat ID 50998. Tevel-6 NORAD Cat ID 50999. Tevel-7 NORAD Cat ID 51062. Tevel-8 NORAD Cat ID 50989. (Thanks to N2YO for providing the NORAD Cat Id for the Tevel series of satellites.)
The Israeli team operating these satellites is going to keep at least one of these eight satellites active all the time, so we will need TLE available for all eight of them. Tevel-3 was activated briefly last weekend.
Thanks to Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, for the "heads up" on the status of the Tevel series of satellites.
Note: The object named Tevel (NORAD Cat ID 50999) in past TLE data was simply a place marker for the Tevel series until the identity of this series of satellites was sorted out. Tevel-6 is the new name for the object NORAD Cat ID 50999.
Ray Hoad WA5QGD AMSAT-NA Orbital Elements Manager