The following five satellites/object numbers have been deleted:
SATELLITE NORAD CAT ID REASON BY70-1 41909 Deorbit 2-18-2017 OBJECT 41930 41930 Not Amateur Sat-ISS Launch EGG 41933 Not Amateur Sat-ISS Launch OBJECT 41934 41934 Not Amateur Sat-ISS Launch TuPOD 41936 41936 Batteries Dead-ISS Launch Thanks to Nico Janssen for his work in predicting BY70-1's deorbit.
As noted last week, Nayif-1 was launched with 103 other satellites on 2-15-2017. The cloud of satellites is beginning to spread and Nico Janssen, PA0DLO, has developed a TLE set that many on AMSAT-BB say is very accurate. I have included it in this week's distribution. Thanks again to a very busy Nico for his excellent work.
Note that SpaceTrack has not assigned a NORAD CAT ID as yet. Thus I am using Nico's Cat ID of 60000. So you will find Nayif-1 at the very end of the TLE list.
Keith Pugh, W5IU, suggested that I include Nayif-1 in the regular distribution so those using apps like PocketSat would be able to track it. Good idea Keith. (I have PocketSat myself!)