The following satellites have decayed from orbit and have been removed from this week's AMSAT-NA TLE distribution:
SurfSat NORAD Cat ID 43614 (decayed from orbit on 01/27/23 per Space-Track). IRVINE 01 NORAD Cat ID 43693 (decayed from orbit on 01/31/23 per Space-Track). RS4S NORAD Cat ID 53306 (decayed from orbit on 01/27/23 per Space-Track). RS3S NORAD Cat ID 53308 (decayed from orbit on 01/31/23 per Space-Track). RS1S NORAD Cat ID 53309 (decayed from orbit on 01/31/23 per Space-Track). RS5S NORAD Cat ID 53310 (decayed from orbit on 01/31/23 per Space-Track). RS6S NORAD Cat ID 53311 (decayed from orbit on 01/27/23 per Space-Track). RS9S NORAD Cat ID 53312 (decayed from orbit on 01/31/23 per Space-Track). RS12S NORAD Cat ID 53313 (decayed from orbit on 01/31/23 per Space-Track).
The following satellites have been removed from this week's AMSAT-NA TLE distribution because their TLE appear not to be updating:
IO-117 NORAD Cat ID 53106. AstroBioCubeSat NORAD Cat ID 53107. CELESTA NORAD Cat ID 53111.
The following satellite has failed it's NiCad batteries and has gone silent. In hope of a miraculous return, it will be continued in the AMSAT TLE Distribution for the time being:
AO-95 NORAD Cat ID 43770.
Ray Hoad WA5QGD AMSAT-NA Orbital Elements Manager